by Admin | Sep 29, 2019 | Committees, News (home), Support Group News, Volunteer
This Task Force is rolling out a series of initiatives to provide practical help for UUCV members. The formal rollout took place at the UUniques potluck in September. The Task Force is in response to concerns about the needs of church members, especially those who are older and/or who live alone. The initiatives include the following five programs:
1. Life Crisis Form: For members who want the church to have information on file in case of an emergency, a Life Crisis Form can be completed online at the church website. This information will be secure, confidential and accessible only by Rev. Dana or her designated assistant. An optional hard copy will be kept in a locked file cabinet.
2. “File of Life:” A personal medical home file prepared for emergency first responders. It consists of a medical card with emergency contacts, insurance information, health problems, medications, allergies, and other relevant medical information in a magnetized red plastic pocket designed to be put on the outside of the refrigerator.
3. Skills Exchange Program: UUCV members have many skills that can be shared; computer knowledge, handyman services, tailoring skills, house and pet sitting. This program will promote the sharing with church members:
• Shared Skills Barter (no fee): members can trade skills through negotiation.
• Skills Exchange for fee: members can offer services to other members.
Interested church members can list their skills for barter or fee exchange on a bulletin board in Berg Hall.
4. “Buddy System:” Church members who live alone can have a “calling buddy” check in with them on a regular basis to ensure they are safe. Senior members, especially, may be vulnerable if they fall and are unable get up. A calling “buddy” who is unable to reach a member could ask someone who has a key to check on the person. The UUCV Buddy System will help match up mutual buddies who call each other or arrange for a volunteer to make regular calls to those wanting to be contacted.
5. “Warm Line:” A dedicated phone line for church members to leave a message for a non-emergency concern to discuss with a caring listener. A Pastoral Associate would return the call within 24 hours. A Pastoral Associate, in partnership with Rev. Dana, is a church member who responds to pastoral needs and provides a confidential, compassionate, and listening presence. The Warm Line is not meant to address emergency situations more appropriate for a 911 call.
Task Force members include Corine Barksdale, Kent Brinkmeyer, Susan Franzblau, Yukio Okano, and Sylvia and Duane Wikholm. Gudrun Eastham provided assistance for the Skills Exchange Program. Questions? Yukio Okano at 805/985-1485.
by Admin | Dec 4, 2018 | ATIR News, Immigration Action, Volunteer
Volunteering & Donating to Tijuana Shelters
Please see this informative guide, “Solidarity for Refugee Caravans in Tijuana”, especially if you plan on going to TJ. This guide was created by folks working on the ground in TJ. It includes information on the various needs of the different shelters (Benito Juarez, Enclave Caracol, Casa del Migrante, etc.), who to contact, and how you can go about volunteering. I encourage you all to share this information with your networks.
Legal Observers and Lawyers Needed in Tijuana
The situation at the border is dire. Last weekend, immigration agents used tear gas and pepper spray on individuals and families seeking asylum. A humanitarian crisis exists with inadequate shelter and resources in Tijuana’s sports stadium shelter for the thousands of people who migrated together, hoping to present themselves at the border.
There is a constant need for legal observers and attorneys for many weeks and months to come. Please consider traveling to Tijuana to help if you are able.
NLG-LA Board Co-President Gilbert Saucedo is traveling to volunteer in Tijuana on Saturday (for the weekend); if you are interested in coordinating with him, email him at NLG-LA Immigration Committee Chair Pasquale Lombardo is likely traveling to Tijuana on Sunday (through early next week); email him at
Please fill out Al Otro Lado’s volunteer form if you can travel to Tijuana in the coming days/weeks:
by Admin | Jan 1, 2018 | LUYV, Volunteer
Annual Homeless Person’s Memorial Service
The rescheduled Homeless Persons’ Memorial will be Saturday, January 27, at 3PM in Ventura’s Plaza Park. A silent procession through downtown will follow.”
The Winter Warming Shelter
The Winter Warming Shelter opened in late December and should be open at the Ventura Armory through the end of March. Our church is helping to facilitate the transfer of breakfast items from Food Share to the shelter on Thursdays. Contact Kathy Powell if you’d like to help.
The Warming Shelter needs volunteers. You’ll need a current TB test before you can work. Contact Steven Karnazes at to make arrangements
by Kitty Merrill | Dec 30, 2016 | News (home), Volunteer
Visit the Volunteer bulletin board in Berg Hall. It takes many helping hands to keep this church beautiful and to make worship services and programs possible. We need your help. Are you aware of other Volunteer opportunities within the church? Let Beverly know. And THANK YOU for your service!
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 25, 2015 | Volunteer
The bookstore stocks books, UUCV T-shirts and hats, UU and Standing on the Side of Love T-‑shirts, coffee mugs, jewelry, bumper stickers and license plate frames, and donated items from the members such as mosaics and stained glass. Proceeds go to the church. Credit cards are accepted.

The bookstore is open after church on Sunday mornings, staffed by four trained lead volunteers who handle all financial transactions and rotate being there on Sunday mornings. Additional volunteer assistants are present to ensure adequate coverage.
Hanging out or volunteering are both a lot of fun. See Silvia Hutchins or Pam Waldron for more information.
by Kitty Merrill | Nov 24, 2015 | Volunteer
This committee has the mission of contacting (via telephone or cards) members who are sick, shut-in or have suffered a recent loss. They also assist with rides or meals on a short term basis.
The committee also assists with memorial services and weddings.
We welcome volunteers. The coordinator is Maddy Okano.