This Life Crisis Form is for the confidential use of the Minister and others authorized to access this information. Please complete the form with information you would like to have on file with the Minister. You may wish to complete only some parts of this form and leave others blank. We encourage you to share this with your family.

Update this form as needed. Having this information on file will enable your church to serve you and your family in the event of a death or other crisis. Please call the church office at 805-644-3898 if you would like assistance from the Minister in completing this form or to facilitate a family discussion regarding making decisions.

Confidential Life Crisis Form for UUCV
     (web version to fill out)

     (download, print & fill out)

Task Force on Helping Each Other

This Task Force is rolling out a series of initiatives to provide practical help for UUCV members. The formal rollout took place at the UUniques potluck in September. The Task Force is in response to concerns about the needs of church members, especially those who are older and/or who live alone. The initiatives include the following five programs:

1. Life Crisis Form: For members who want the church to have information on file in case of an emergency, a Life Crisis Form can be completed online at the church website. This information will be secure, confidential and accessible only by Rev. Dana or her designated assistant. An optional hard copy will be kept in a locked file cabinet.

2. “File of Life:” A personal medical home file prepared for emergency first responders. It consists of a medical card with emergency contacts, insurance information, health problems, medications, allergies, and other relevant medical information in a magnetized red plastic pocket designed to be put on the outside of the refrigerator.

3. Skills Exchange Program: UUCV members have many skills that can be shared; computer knowledge, handyman services, tailoring skills, house and pet sitting. This program will promote the sharing with church members:
• Shared Skills Barter (no fee): members can trade skills through negotiation.
• Skills Exchange for fee: members can offer services to other members.
Interested church members can list their skills for barter or fee exchange on a bulletin board in Berg Hall.

4. “Buddy System:” Church members who live alone can have a “calling buddy” check in with them on a regular basis to ensure they are safe. Senior members, especially, may be vulnerable if they fall and are unable get up. A calling “buddy” who is unable to reach a member could ask someone who has a key to check on the person. The UUCV Buddy System will help match up mutual buddies who call each other or arrange for a volunteer to make regular calls to those wanting to be contacted.

5. “Warm Line:” A dedicated phone line for church members to leave a message for a non-emergency concern to discuss with a caring listener. A Pastoral Associate would return the call within 24 hours. A Pastoral Associate, in partnership with Rev. Dana, is a church member who responds to pastoral needs and provides a confidential, compassionate, and listening presence. The Warm Line is not meant to address emergency situations more appropriate for a 911 call.

Task Force members include Corine Barksdale, Kent Brinkmeyer, Susan Franzblau, Yukio Okano, and Sylvia and Duane Wikholm. Gudrun Eastham provided assistance for the Skills Exchange Program. Questions? Yukio Okano at 805/985-1485.

Men's Breakfast Bunch

The UUCV “Mostly Senior Men” meet on the first Saturday of the month for breakfast and social conversation.
Please come to meet new and old friends and enjoy the friendship, fellowship and food. All UUCV men are welcome and encouraged to join us.
Days:        First Saturdays
Time:        9:00 am
Location:  Marie Callender’s Restaurant on Victoria Ave.
Contact:    Ray Escobedo (805) 658-8543, Cell:( 805) 216-3294;

Men's Discussion Group

Each week the attending members choose a few important issues for a lively discussion.
They discuss a wide range of topics including economics and politics. They strive to insure that each person has an opportunity to contribute his ideas and concerns. Come add your perspective.
Days:         Every Tuesday
Time:        9:30—10:30 am
Location: Conference Room
Contact:    Bill Peltola, (805) 486-1348,        Al Dirrim, (805) 216-7672

Men’s Support Groups

Individual Men’s Groups
Most men’s support groups at UUCV have been practicing principles of spiritual growth since their inception for over a decade. These principals include incorporating ritual and structure into meetings – while remaining flexible, aligning discussion with the monthly theme, and striving for spiritual maturity. Individual men’s groups are autonomous. The affairs of one group do not affect others and there is no centralized management.

These small groups meet twice a month, usually on a mid-week evening from 7 – 9 pm.
Groups either meet at the church or in private homes.

Uncommitted Groups
In uncommitted groups men are free to attend as they see fit, a kind of open door drop-in policy. Uncommitted groups often serve as the gateway to join UUCV committed men’s groups.

Committed Groups
Other small groups meet as more committed groups, with some renewing one’s commitment every six months and making attendance at meetings a high priority. It can also define how new members are inducted and what is expected from each member.

Spiritual growth is a focus of the men’s groups, along with fellowship and support. Men are encouraged to share their personal experience and speak from the heart. To do this one must be dedicated, vulnerable, and patient. This requires a significant level of trust in the group—and in one’s self. The goal of UUCV men’s support groups is to make a safe space available in the congregation for men to feel a deeper connection to others.

Small Group Ministry in Covenant Groups

“One of the things that so impressed me with this church was the many small groups offered. From men’s and women’s groups, book clubs, adult religious education, exercise and even hobby groups. So how do Covenant Groups differ from all the other small groups? Covenant Groups are led by trained co-facilitators. Working from a monthly theme and within a structured format, they will bring in related readings and offer thought provoking questions. By allowing space for contemplation, participants are able to articulate their thoughts as well as listen clearly to others. Being deeply heard is something that rarely happens, but is beautiful when it does.”  Gina Norstedt
If you are interested in articulating your thoughts, being heard, deeply listening to others and engaging in quality conversation, consider signing up for a Covenant Group. New groups start in October 2018 and conclude in May 2019. Register by attending the Orientation Registration September 23, 2018 from 11:30 – 12:30. For more information contact: Pam Waldron, (805) 256-0756. Groups are open to Members, Pledging Friends and those currently attending UUCV.
Click here to view the 2018/2019 Covenant Group brochure:
UUCV Cov Grp Brochure

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