“The great end in religious education is to awaken the soul, to excite and cherish spiritual life.” 
William Ellery Channing


Our Religious Education for Children offers a well-rounded, open-minded, multicultural religious education. The classes explore more than one way to develop spirituality, along with learning to respect the many ways people experience the sacred.

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura Children’s Religious Education (RE) program is provided by a committed and enthusiastic team of volunteer teachers and parents. We create a safe place for children to explore their spiritual lives.Together we worship, explore the principles, sources and traditions of our UU faith and use our bodies, hearts and minds to express ourselves and create beauty. UUCV is a place that can nurture your entire family’s spiritual life.

We are a congregation of open hearts and open minds, and we welcome you and your family with open arms.


Our mission is family ministry that develops wisdom and resilience with UU values and action, builds relationships across the ages, and supports connections within and beyond the congregation!

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