Board Report May 2023

Many of you will have heard that our Annual Meeting will include a vote on whether to authorize a capital campaign to raise $10,000 to build a 5-foot high fence with a gate along the eastern (walkway) side of our church property. We need to understand that a capital campaign does not draw from existing church funds. It is a fundraising campaign seeking donations for a specific purpose. If it is approved by the congregation, those donors who want to support the project will finance the project.

The proposal for this fence project was recommended to your board by the Health and Safety Ministry Team. (H&S) The proposal arises from the problems our grounds face from the effects of having uninvited visitors who camp out on our property. Some are respectful of our space. Many, unfortunately, are not – leaving trash, sometimes drug paraphernalia, and worse, on our grounds. 

Our congregation has an established record of reaching out to serve the unhoused population, to advocate for services to house and treat them as needed, assist in transitions, and serve compassionately.   Allowing people to desecrate our grounds is not part of that mission.

The fence recommendation from the Health and Safety Ministry Team is a response to the problems we face with unauthorized and sometimes dangerous use of our grounds. H&S proposes it as a deterrent. They recognize that a 5-foot fence will not be a barrier to a determined intruder. The proposal is to erect a fence that says that people are welcome here for church purposes, but not to defile our campus.

People who have heard of this proposal have also expressed concerns. Some note that a 5-foot barrier that does not encircle the entire open part of the property may not curb unwelcome trespassers, who can hop a fence or walk around. Some note that given our status as a church, a fence may seem counter to our status a a sanctuary space.

I have heard yet  more opinions in favor and opposed, I believe that our conversation at the annual meeting will be a conservation among friends, some of whom may disagree, but that we will hold that conversation with love and respect.

Jim Merrill (he/him)

Buildings and Grounds – September 2018

by Linda Pietrzak
The Building and Grounds Committee invites you all to come out to the newly created B & G Volunteer Day. It will be held on the third Saturday of the month at 9am. We meet in the garage and have some kind of treat(s) to sustain you when you take a well-earned break during the morning.
August was a work inside day. Bill Peltola changed two emergency exit light fixtures. Jim Merrill and Linda Pietrzak changed fluorescent lights. Wil Devine replaced a brass-plate in the floor. Mike Sixbey braced the fences around the HVAC units. Wil and Mike also worked with Merle on irrigation projects. Joyce picked up trash outside the church building. She and Linda emptied green waste into the Green Waste Totters as well as took some out to the Ralston side of the building.
We had a pleasant surprise when Rev. Dana showed up to participate in our fun Saturday morning. She swept up in the Outdoor Sanctuary and raked pine needles along the west side of the parking lot. She filled two totters so full that she also did some compacting.
Joyce and Linda worked in the kitchen killing ants. It takes more than just a couple of people working once or twice a week to keep the ants under control. Even if you don’t want to forcibly remove them from the kitchen, please don’t leave dirty dishes, cups, silverware, or water out for them.
In case you haven’t noticed the ants know how to climb into the trash cans. Please take any leftover food or food scraps home with you. If it is appropriate, the food scraps can go down the garbage disposal. Please use the same careful guidelines here as you would at home.
Minister helping stomp green wasteThank You!

Buildings and Grounds – July, 2018

by Linda Pietrzak
During the months of May and June, Building and Grounds had help with several projects. The Covenant Group consisting of Susan Franzblau, Phoebe Higgins, Diane Wamsley, Veronica Bear, Mary Jo Kusiak, Joyce Lombard, Helen McPherson, Peggy Anders, and Mary Kay Lambert, painted reflective arrows at the entry as well as the posts marking the entry while adding reflectors. We thank them for coming up with a much-needed project.
I heard from Kathy Powell and Sally Shampine that some of our Safe Sleep guests were pulling weeds along the Ralston side of the church. When I checked on Sunday there were three large trash bags full of weeds with roots. I also heard Ruth Owens took time to pull weeds between church activities. Way to go Ruth, good use of spare time. I guess this is a big hint for what needs to be done at the July Work Party.
New Building and Grounds Chair
We welcome Wil Devine as the new B&G chair. I met him and his wife Haibiba Peterson when Beverly Jordan introduced us. She said they were interested in getting involved with Building and Grounds. Wil came to meetings, Work Parties, and got to know all the other committees that B&G interacts with. His goal is to increase the number of volunteers and have B&G work in collaboration with other committees in the church.
Contacts Linda Pietrzak: Wil Devine:

Outdoor Sanctuary Kid Stuff

We Need Your Input!
The concrete tunnel in Out­door Sanctuary for kids to crawl through and climb over needs some design. Bugs, but­terflies etc as the one in SB Zoo. We are hoping to get it done this summer.
We are taking ideas, input and wishes before we commission some church artists to do the job.
Send your comments to Michael Akseven or text 805/208 0344.

Buildings and Grounds – June, 2018

by Linda Pietrzak
When I sent out the announcement for the Work Party, four people responded they would not be attending. What a blow to our work force I thought! But this is the UU Church of Ventura and we show up!
An even-dozen volunteers showed up for the May Work Party. After spending several months working along the Ralston side, they tackled the neglected back of the church. Rob March, Toni Carbonneau, Ted Lombard, George and Ruth Owens, Jim Whitney, Mark Fargo, Phil Wiseman, and Wil Devine filled up the three toters AND 17 large trash bags with weeds, leaves, and other organic debris. Pine needles were piled up as a ground cover to keep the weeds down. Jim Whitney and Ruth pulled a few token weeds from the Ralston side of the church. Toni, Mark, Jim, and Ted swept the parking lot. George swept the trash enclosure. Merle Oberg worked on the ancient, often vandalized irrigation system. Mike Sixbey and Wil worked on the HVAC enclosures, getting ready to make more repairs. Linda Pietrzak cut up boxes that the furniture for the Outdoor Sanctuary came in.
As busy as everyone was, they took time to have some snacks and visit. Getting to know each other is one of the really great benefits of coming out to the Work Parties.
Contact Linda Pietrzak at

Two Men next to a pickup truck full of trash bags

Phil Wiseman and Rob March with half of the green waste from the church parking lot.


Buildings and Grounds – May, 2018

by Linda Pietrzak
Sometimes it takes a while for the obvious fix to a problem evades us all. The Kitchen Cabinet and Building and Grounds have been battling ants on the kitchen counters for a year or so. We have gone through boxes of Terro ant bait. For those of you who are not familiar with Terro, it is a non-toxic ant bait that lures ants to it and then they take the bait back to the nest and the ants all die.
The problem we just realized is that the bail “lures the ants to it.” So, we have been luring the ants to the kitchen counter!! We have relocated the Terro to a place where the ants will not be lured to the counter top. Hopefully the new location will work much better and the ants will not be attracted to the counter tops. Thank you Shelah for thinking of this great idea.
If you have occasion to take the trash out to the trash enclosure at the back of the church property you will surely have noticed how rickety the gates have become. That’s what happens after a few decades. Building and Grounds under the guidance and construction skills of Mike Sixbey is repairing the gates of the trash enclosure and other exterior enclosures. It is a job that has long been needed. Be sure and thank him and all volunteers for all their hard work. Contact Linda Pietrzak:

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