by Linda Pietrzak
The Building and Grounds Committee invites you all to come out to the newly created B & G Volunteer Day. It will be held on the third Saturday of the month at 9am. We meet in the garage and have some kind of treat(s) to sustain you when you take a well-earned break during the morning.
August was a work inside day. Bill Peltola changed two emergency exit light fixtures. Jim Merrill and Linda Pietrzak changed fluorescent lights. Wil Devine replaced a brass-plate in the floor. Mike Sixbey braced the fences around the HVAC units. Wil and Mike also worked with Merle on irrigation projects. Joyce picked up trash outside the church building. She and Linda emptied green waste into the Green Waste Totters as well as took some out to the Ralston side of the building.
We had a pleasant surprise when Rev. Dana showed up to participate in our fun Saturday morning. She swept up in the Outdoor Sanctuary and raked pine needles along the west side of the parking lot. She filled two totters so full that she also did some compacting.
Joyce and Linda worked in the kitchen killing ants. It takes more than just a couple of people working once or twice a week to keep the ants under control. Even if you don’t want to forcibly remove them from the kitchen, please don’t leave dirty dishes, cups, silverware, or water out for them.
In case you haven’t noticed the ants know how to climb into the trash cans. Please take any leftover food or food scraps home with you. If it is appropriate, the food scraps can go down the garbage disposal. Please use the same careful guidelines here as you would at home.
Minister helping stomp green wasteThank You!

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