by Admin | Nov 14, 2015 | Support Group News
Men talk about more than sports and politics in the Open Men’s Support Group. All men in the UU community and beyond are welcome to attend this group to enjoy
fellowship, camaraderie and personal sharing.
Days: First and Third Thursdays
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
Location: Garage meeting room
Contact: Dale Condra, 212-0242, or
by Admin | Nov 4, 2015 | Women's Groups
Women’s Support Groups are open to women who are members and friends of the church. The groups provide ongoing sharing and support to one another in a small group setting.
Some also work on deepening their spiritual practice in various ways, as in addressing the worship themes, considering Parker Palmer’s touchstones.
Prospective members are asked to contact Xenia Young about availability of current openings. There is usually a short wait until one of the groups has an opening or until a new group forms.
Time and Location: Varies according to group
Contact: Xenia Young
by Admin | May 25, 2015 | Justice Actions
Since March, 2010, the Safe Sleep program has offered homeless people a safe place to sleep in their cars in our parking lot without being cited. (It is otherwise illegal throughout the city to sleep in a vehicle.) Hours are restricted to 7 pm through 7 am, and the Salvation Army handles applicant screening and other administrative aspects of the program.
Participants must apply for the program through the Salvation Army, and meet certain conditions to be eligible for the program. They also receive services to help give them a path out of homelessness. Guests are screened by The Salvation Army and have a case worker assigned to them. It is our intention to create a friendly, welcoming experience for all.
Action Opportunities:
- Welcome Packets
- Site Monitors
To volunteer for these Action Opportunities contact the Lift Up Your Voice Director
- May 2009 – the City of Ventura approved and funded a pilot sleeping in cars program known as Safe Sleep Ventura.
- October 2009 – Ventura City Council approved The Salvation Army as the lead agency for the pilot program. Agreements between The Salvation Army and lot owners were established, rules developed and case management staff hired.
- March 2010 – Safe Sleep begins
Please schedule an appointment by calling The Salvation Army at 805-648-5032.
Inquiries can be directed to
by Admin | May 21, 2015 | Justice Actions
Cluster Camp is a good way to:
- Check out DeBenneville for a weekend
- Spend quality time with friends and folks you’d like to know better.
- Meet new folks from nearby UU congregations
- Have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.
- Get away from it all with your family (Family Camp is already sold out…register for next year)
- Play, relax and breath!
- More info at at
DeBenneville Pines is a UU camp owned by the congregations of the Pacific Southwest District. It’s up near Angeles Oaks in the San Bernardino mountains, and offers camp experiences for youth and adults. Sleep in bunk beds in cabins with meals prepared for all dietary needs. Scholarships are available.

by Admin | May 21, 2014 | Justice Actions
Leadership Covenant Policy
Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura – January 16, 2014
- The Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura voted to approve as a church policy the following as a Leadership Covenant for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura:
- “Leadership in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura is a sacred trust, one we do not exercise alone. When we serve as a leader, be it as a committee member, a committee chair or a member of the Board of Trustees, we agree to be a part of the governance system of our church. We promise to listen and consider all viewpoints with an open mind and to make decisions within accepted democratic processes. Once a decision has been made, we go forward together, because the integrity of the process is more important than any single decision.”
- This Leadership Covenant applies to everyone serving in either a professional or a volunteer leadership position within UUCV. By accepting a Leadership position within UUCV, a person is voluntarily agreeing to this covenant.
- This Leadership Covenant will be shared with all current leaders of UUCV, and will be shared with anyone who is considering accepting a leadership position within UUCV.
- This Leadership Covenant will be publicly posted and will be available on the UUCV website.
Life Within Principles Policy
Approved by Board of Trustees – April 16, 2015
This is an overarching policy statement by the Board of Trustees. The Board expects that leadership and staff recognize and practice shared community values in all church activities, committee work and team work. These values will be considered by responsible parties for contracted services, programmatic activities and rentals.
The following sections represent the shared values of the church community.
Seven Principles
The Principles that the Member Congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association covenant to affirm and promote:
- The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
- Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
- Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
- A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
- The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society large;
- The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
- Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
Welcoming Congregation
The UUCV Congregation is recognized by the UUA as a Welcoming Congregation. Being a Welcoming Congregation represents an important and defining value for our congregation. Church Leadership and Staff should adhere to practices consistent with the Congregation’s commitment as a Welcoming Congregation.
Green Sanctuary
The UUCV Congregation is recognized by the UUA as a Green Sanctuary. Green Sanctuary Status represents UUCV’s explicit commitment to the Seventh Principle and to sustainable practices. Church Leadership and Staff should adhere to practices consistent with the Seventh Principle and environmental sustainability. Church activities should reflect this commitment. Parties responsible for contracting work or purchasing materials for the church should recognize the priority of Green Sanctuary principles in their decision making process.