by Admin | Dec 17, 2017 | Justice Actions
Memorial for our Homeless Neighbors
Join us for the 12th annual Homeless Person’s Memorial Service at the gazebo in Ventura‘s Plaza Park. We know the names of at least 57 people who died homeless during the past year in Ventura County, and will be holding an interfaith service to remember them.
As we do every year, we will hold a silent march through downtown Ventura to call attention to the increasing numbers who are dying homeless in our county each year. Please bring donated items to church or the memorial service us to distribute.
Blankets, sleeping bags, winter jackets, gently used shoes, (especially for men), tarps, and even tents are greatly appreciated for those who cannot use the warming shelter.
by Admin | Dec 4, 2017 | Minister
With one big holiday behind us, we turn to the rest of the winter holidays with a combination of trepidation and delight. There is such a combination of wonder and mystery and overwhelm and overdoing in this season, it’s hard not to have some mixed feelings.
Our theme for December is Hope, which is fitting both for the season and for the times we are living through. My favorite time from the Christian calendar is Advent, the time that we sit in the darkness for something new to be born. I love the metaphors that abound in it all. The journey to Bethlehem, awaiting the birth of the Son and the return of the Sun at the Solstice. I love sitting quietly in the dark with only candles or twinkling Christmas lights to illuminate the world.
With all our frenzy about this time, it can be especially useful to take time out to rest and reflect. Daylight grows shorter and nights grow longer. Seeds lie dormant, awaiting the return of light and warmth. What is dormant in you, waiting a new birth? Yet in the dark, it can also be easier to lose hope, to see no way ahead. Even in these unsettled and anxious times, we must not lose hope. It is all that keeps us going sometimes. The hope I speak of is more than a simple optimism. Our hope now must be robust, even fierce. And we must put our faith in something beyond our individual human capacity to resist and renew. Yes, each of us has such capacity within, though it’s not sustainable over the long-term if it does not reach beyond the individual. We can be waylaid by despair and hopelessness.
That which is larger may be the strength and hope you gain from community, from others’ hands to hold. It can be a faith in the collective goodness of humanity. It can be faith in a larger love that creates and holds us, and sometimes carries us. So this holiday season, nurture your hope. May the darkness give you rest and respite. May the twinkling lights bring you delight. May gatherings with friends and family be jolly. May your favorite holiday traditions – eggnog, stockings hung by the chimney with care, fruitcake, bouche de Noel – whatever they are, offer comfort and peace.
And may the candles we light in the darkness give you hope.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Blessed Solstice
Happy and Hopeful Holidays
with love, Rev. Dana
by Admin | Dec 1, 2016 | Adult Programs
“One of the things that so impressed me with this church was the many small groups offered. From men’s and women’s groups, book clubs, adult religious education, exercise and even hobby groups. So how do Covenant Groups differ from all the other small groups? Covenant Groups are led by trained co-facilitators. Working from a monthly theme and within a structured format, they will bring in related readings and offer thought provoking questions. By allowing space for contemplation, participants are able to articulate their thoughts as well as listen clearly to others. Being deeply heard is something that rarely happens, but is beautiful when it does.” Gina Norstedt
If you are interested in articulating your thoughts, being heard, deeply listening to others and engaging in quality conversation, consider signing up for a Covenant Group. New groups start in October 2018 and conclude in May 2019. Register by attending the Orientation Registration September 23, 2018 from 11:30 – 12:30. For more information contact: Pam Waldron, (805) 256-0756. Groups are open to Members, Pledging Friends and those currently attending UUCV.
Click here to view the 2018/2019 Covenant Group brochure:
UUCV Cov Grp Brochure
by Admin | Dec 14, 2015 | Support Group News

This open women’s group explores women’s roles and issues using audio/video presentations with discussion. All women are welcome.
Participants choose topics and ideas for discussion such as women’s issues, political and current events, including breaking news. Participating members will have an opportunity to contribute their ideas and concerns and to enjoy each other’s company.
Women’s Voices Discussion Group: First & Third Tuesdays Time: 11:00 am Location: Green Room
Contact: Suzanne Olsen
by Admin | Nov 24, 2015 | Children's Curriculum
Willow Room – Classroom 5 2018-19 Curriculum: Spirit of Adventure
Designed for more active kids, this curriculum uses challenge and adventure to teach character-building, values, and the UU sources, and principles.