UUCV Pastoral Care Mission Statement

The Pastoral Care Associates work in partnership with the minister in helping to create a community of caring and support by responding to pastoral needs that arise within the congregation. A Pastoral Associate is a confidential, compassionate, and listening presence.  Our work is based on our Unitarian Universalist Principles which affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person, compassion in human relations, and the interdependent web which connects us all.

Our covenant with the congregation is:

    • to visit the ill at home or in the hospital,
    • to support those in personal transitions or going through a life crisis,
    • to maintain contact with those unable to attend church due to illness or physical challenges,
    • to support friends and family involved in care giving,
    • to comfort the bereaved,
    • to provide a compassionate ear and a willingness to enlist the help of others.

FIVE PASTORAL CARE INITIATIVES were created in response to concerns about the needs of church members, especially those who are older and/or who live alone. The following are the five initiatives that address these needs:

  1. Life Crisis Form:  For members who would like the church to have information on file in case of an emergency; a Life Crisis Form can be completed online here.  This information is kept confidential and accessible only by Rev. Dana or her designated assistant.  A hard copy of the form may be completed as an option. 
  2. File of Life: The “File of Life” is a personal medical home file prepared for emergency first responders.  It consists of a medical card held in a red magnatized plastic pocket designed to be placed on the outside of a refrigerator. The card lists emergency contacts, insurance & health information, medications, allergies, and other relevant medical data. The File of Life is available to those who would like one.
  3. Skills Exchange Program:   UUCV members have many skills that can be shared with others.  These include computer knowledge, handyman services, tailoring, house and pet sitting skills.  This Program seeks to promote the sharing of skills, simple or complex, with members who need them.  Church members may list their skills on a bulletin board in Berg Hall as follows:
    1. Exchange by barter: members trade skills through negotiation.
    2. Exchange for fee: members offer services to other members.
  4. Buddy System:  Church members who live alone may benefit from having a “calling buddy” check in with them on a regular basis to ensure they are safe. Senior members can be vulnerable if they fall and are unable get up. A calling “buddy” who is unable to reach a member can ask a friend or relative who has a key to check on the person.  The UUCV Buddy System will help match up mutual buddies who call each other or arrange for a volunteer to make regular calls to those wanting to be contacted.
  5. Warm Line:  The “Warm Line” is a way to connect to a Pastoral Care Associate via email who will receive your message and respond within 24 hours.  A Pastoral Associate, in partnership with Rev. Dana, is a church member who attends to pastoral needs and provides a confidential, compassionate, and listening presence. Please feel free to send a message to us at:    The Warm Line is not for emergency situations (please call 911).
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