Leadership and Nominating Committee
- Annually nominates qualified church members to serve on the Board of Trustees, Leadership & Nominating Committee, and Memorial/Endowment Committee
- Identifies new and emerging leaders among church membership, writes profiles of these individuals in church publications (such as newsletter).
- Periodically provides leadership trainings and guidance as needed to members and other church committees.
Participation: The committee generally meets monthly and seasonally, from October through March or April, though meetings may be called outside of those months. All nominations must be completed and provided to the Board by mid-April, as required by the UUCV Bylaws, so they can be presented at the Annual Congregational Meeting in June and voted on by church membership. Outside of monthly meetings, there is not a lot of additional time or work required beyond occasional phone calls and emails.
Qualifications: You must be an active member of UUCV or an active Pledging Friend, and it helps if you have a wide range of church contacts and know lots of other church members. New committee members are needed. Members are appointed for a 2-year term.
Meeting Days, Times, Length: Varies, but meetings are often scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of the month and last not more than 1.5 hours.
Meeting Location: Monthly on Zoom or in person in the church Green Room.
Notifications: Meetings are scheduled in advance and coordinated by the committee chair. Email reminders are sent out.
Duration: Ongoing
Costs to Attend: None.
Leader/Chair: Gary Zinik
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