Generosity Team looks out for UUCV’s funding, which primarily comes from the church’s members and friends. These donations are the way to ensure that UUCV can act on our values in the wider world, whether through supporting social action, providing care and kindness to members or giving our children a place where they can grow up learning messages of acceptance and inclusion.
The Generosity Team’s Annual Giving (Pledge) campaign reaches out to members and attendees to ask for a financial commitment to the church for the coming year. This is necessary so the rest of the church can know how much money to expect will be coming in. In addition, team members investigate grants and other sources of funding. We are an extension of the Board’s financial concerns for the congregation and the greater issue of developing a culture of generosity in our congregation be it in time, talent, or treasure. On some matters, we collaborate with the Finance Committee.
Any member interested in joining the Generosity Team should contact Board President, Jim Merrill, or another member of the Board of Trustees.
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