by Admin | May 3, 2018 | Notes from President's Desk
Budgets are moral documents that reflect our commitment to our values and principles. They are aspirational expressions of our hopes for the UUCV. This year’s Budget is just one of several important issues we will discuss at the June 17 Annual Meeting. “But wait a minute, that’s Father’s Day!” Why did the Board pick that day for a meeting? Well, because that’s the day that was available, sandwiched between our Coming of Age program, the Church Picnic on June 10 and the UUA General Assembly on the 24th. Next year we will schedule the Annual Meeting earlier as part of our first ever Grand Master Calendaring meeting on May 7.
The Budget for 2018-19 is manageable and in keeping with the last 2 years during which we have benefited from a very generous “Bridge Pledge” that enabled the UUCV to maintain our current staffing level. We will have a relatively small deficit, around 2%, for a budget that is about $500,000.00. That deficit is easily covered from our reserves. The creation of “Reserves” comes from prior years when budgets were not fully spent. We saved those monies for a “rainy day” and that day has arrived!
The real angst at the Annual Meeting will come from the “projected” budget presentation for the year 2019-20. That’s when the “Bridge Pledge” Funds will be depleted. That budget makes clear just how much we have been living off the generosity of others, including those who came before such as Tom Berg and Nick Williams whose legacy continues to inspire us all. So, we will be facing a “Cliff” deficit in 2019-20 and Leadership is considering ways to “ease” into that year with a combination of reserves and other funds. It will also require your help!
What we do next will affect us for years to come. The last six years the UUCV has pursued a vision based on the idea of Staffing for Growth. It has involved the generosity of two Capital Campaigns from a few members and Grant money. We are clearly benefitting from having a very strong staff. There is improved adult programming, R.E. has tripled in size, we have women’s and men’s covenant groups, we have amazing music and much more. The result is we are absolutely growing! This dynamic growth affirms that the UUCV is the Prophetic Voice of Liberal Religion in Ventura. We offer the radical message; “You do not need to think alike in order to love alike” that people want to hear. We are an inclusive, loving, faith community.
Capital Campaigns are not the way to sustain our current level of staffing. We must have Pledge Income to support that vision. In the past 6 years we have never asked for a specific commitment from the Congregation. Instead we tried everything else to generate revenue and it is not enough. Ours has always been a “soft” request for the financial support of what you value. So, what comes next is a very big “ask” of everyone. Including new members, we will need an 18% increase in pledging income between now and June 2020. That is two years away. If you believe in the UUCV and what we stand for, then begin now to take your own personal steps to fulfill this request, and please, make our Annual Meeting a priority. We can do this together.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Admin | Apr 2, 2018 | Notes from President's Desk
Amending the Bylaws Two Percent Rule
At the upcoming UUCV Annual Meeting on June 17 (which also happens to be Father’s Day), there will be a proposal to amend Article VIII, Section 2 of the Bylaws. Our Bylaws can only be amended by a vote of the congregation. The information below is a brief summary of the issue and intended to raise the awareness of the congregation on an important topic. Article VIII, Section 2 contains a spending restriction known as the Two Percent Rule. The proposed amendment is to change the rule from two (2) percent, to four (4) percent.
This Bylaw currently reads:
“Article VIII Duties of the Board of Trustees, Section 2. The Board shall be charged with approving policy to govern the conduct of the business of the church during the intervals between Annual or special meetings. The Board may authorize the expenditure of up to a cumulative fiscal year total of two percent above the total annual operating budget approved by the membership at a congregational meeting. Expenditure of more than a cumulative fiscal year total of two percent of the total annual operating budget requires a vote at a special congregational meeting.”
Our Operating Budget for 2017-18 was $451,301.00 of which 2% equals $9,021.00. At 4% that would be $18,042.00. That is not a small amount of money, yet this request reflects the changed reality of our times from when the Bylaws were adopted over 50 years ago.
What are some of the reasons for approving the change?
Timeliness: There are times during the church year when unforseen needs arise. For several years the Board has found itself at or near the maximum 2% when something unexpected would arise. Options: the Board could either wait until the following year’s Budget or hold a congregational meeting. Congregational meetings take time to plan and arrange. For a church that is growing, these options slow down our ability to be responsive and timely.
Flexibility: The cost of goods and services have increased significantly. There have been times when the 2% rule has been too restrictive for our needs. At 4% the Board would have the necessary financial room to meet congregational needs that arise while still maintaining restraint in unanticipated spending.
What are some of the reasons for not approving the change?
1. The 2% rule reminds the Board to be fiscally conservative with church money.
2. Calling a congregational meeting or even multiple meetings to consider unforeseen but needed expenditures may be inconvenient but if the need is great, we can do this.
There will be more information available at our Annual meeting and the opportunity for discussion. When the time comes to vote please consider this amendment as necessary for the Board to be able to act timely on behalf of UUCV in response to circumstances that affect our church. In the meantime if you have questions or comments feel free to contact me.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Kitty Merrill | Dec 4, 2017 | Notes from President's Desk
Adversity seems to be happening everywhere and at a pace that is emotionally and mentally mind-numbing. That’s how it feels to me. Perhaps we share that feeling. With the recent natural events of four hurricanes, two major earthquakes, and fires, along with the many troubling human events of the past year, it would be reasonable to just stay under one’s bedcovers. But we can’t. So, how shall we understand and cope with these events?
I like the myth tale of Pandora’s Box which comes from ancient Greece around 675 BC. It is an origin story. When the box was opened, all the terrible demons escaped and ever since the world has known hardship. Except that in the bottom of the box was a still small voice announcing itself. That voice is Hope, and it inspires us to persevere against the ills of the world.
We are entering the Holiday Season, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, and New Year. This is the “Giving and Receiving” time of year that can leave a person worn out just wondering about the meaning of it all, especially considering how commercialized everything has become. Poverty of circumstances, emotional losses and more are emphasized, reminding us to remember our individual blessings and calling us to consider the importance of gratitude in our lives. This is a hopeful time of year with endings and anticipated beginnings.
At the UUCV I believe we give hope to people, and ourselves, that one day things will get better. We do that by being of service to others. That would be acts of doing good, and being kind in all things. Core values are exhibited every day by members and friends of our congregation through our outward actions as exemplified by our many outreach programs. Letters of appreciation from those we have helped are on the bulletin board by the copy machine. Unlike the giving that only occurs during the Holidays, the gift of service to others is not seasonal. Thank you to everyone for this daily ministry that makes a difference in the lives of so many.
The following is quoted from UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray: “You all are on the front lines – providing ministry and leadership to people of all ages, helping us all not to lose our humanity in this very inhumane time, helping us all not to lose hope.
Today, as I awoke, the words of Adrienne Rich were on my heart:
My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed
I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power
reconstitute the world.
My fellow leaders, I cast my lot with you. We will not give up hope.”
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Kitty Merrill | Sep 29, 2017 | Notes from President's Desk
The following are the primary responsibilities of the UUCV Board of Trustees. Quoting from our Bylaws: “Article Viii. Duties of The Board Of Trustees, Section 1. The Board shall develop written policies necessary to effectively govern the church. The Board shall conduct strategic planning and congregational assessment. It shall develop the mission and vision of the congregation. It shall hold the fiduciary responsibility for the church and shall annually recommend a budget to the congregation at the Annual Meeting.”
Our Bylaws are found on our website along with our Policy the Documents Section (located at the very bottom of our webpages.) I recommend that everyone periodically review these important documents and become familiar with the governance of our congregation. You could say that doing so is part of being informed about our 5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. The work of the church doesn’t just happen magically. It takes an informed congregation, planning, and willing hands and hearts.
Last month the Board held a retreat with several goals in mind. First, we needed to get acquainted as there are two new members on the Board, and, Second, we needed to begin charting a course for the year ahead and beyond. Very little happens quickly in a church. Slow and steady is typical. It’s known as getting things done in “Church Time.” That means if you are an action oriented person you may become challenged by the pace of decision making at a church. You might hear someone say; “It’s all a process” as if it should be taken for granted, in a tongue and cheek sort of way, as a fact about how churches operate.
The primary emphasis at the Retreat was on creating a Vision for our congregation. This is a process that will take time to unfold. We developed two “Open Questions” to be considered; 1) What is our Mission? and 2) What are the ways we want to grow? In just looking at the first question, about every five years a congregation might review and update their Mission Statement. Ours is at least 10 years old. Even if you really like our current Mission Statement, change is the reason for a review. Our membership has changed, our demographics have changed, and the social issues of the day have changed. But to change it, if that is what we decide, will take a deliberate process and it will take time.
The second question is equally deep and central to our future. In that light, it makes sense to re-examine foundational questions. Going forward you can expect that the Board will be creating opportunities every two months for conversations where questions (like those above) can be explored and the voices of our congregation can be heard. These are really “Holy” conversations, sacred in the sense that they will be about us, the UUCV, and the aspirations and dreams we each hold for our congregation. You may imagine that this will be thoughtful work for all of us. It will also be extremely rewarding.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President
by Kitty Merrill | Apr 27, 2017 | Notes from President's Desk
“Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin
There are many groups of people to thank for their contributions on behalf of our congregation. This month there are four that I want to hold up and recognize.
April started with the Pacific Southwest “Justice” District Assembly in Tucson, Arizona. Several members made the journey and experienced life at the border. Jim and Kitty Merrill, Mike and Rena Pezzuto, Mary Kay Lambert, Harold Cartlidge and Dorothy Fasthorse, Michael Akseven, Rob March and Rev. Dana made the trip. They are a reflection of our congregation demonstrating that we show up and make a difference in the world. This Justice DA was a deeply moving experience and its closing circle, held outdoors in a parking lot, was as rich and meaningful as any Sunday Sermon held inside a building. It doesn’t matter where we gather together, what matters is why we gather to build the beloved community. In the case of DA being held at the Arizona border, it was to bring attention and bear witness to the injustice of our immigration system.
The Religious Education Search Team comprised of Erica Duffy, Rev. Dana, Laurie Lemson, Bob Newman and Rena Pezzuto, completed its task with the announcement on Celebration Sunday that we have hired Emily Carroll as our new Director of Religious Education. Emily is highly qualified and will be joining us in August. This is a momentous event as the excitement of this new relationship bodes well for the growth of the RE program and for young families in our congregation. All the people who have made RE happen for the last several years, the teachers, the aides, and our interim directors, are to be congratulated for their hard work and steady commitment as they and all of us, have waited patiently for the process of time to unfold and bring a new partner in caring for our children.
The Stewardship Committee, made up of Maura Raffensperger, Yukio Okano and Kappy Paulson brought us Celebration Sunday. Quiche and Mimosa’s, strawberries and great conversation followed the Sunday sermon “For All That Is Our Life” about generosity. As has already been reported, the response to increase pledge income for the coming year exceeded expectations and represents how much everyone believes in the work that we all share in changing lives and supporting the prophetic voice of liberal religion that is the UU Church of Ventura. Thank you everyone for this most wonderful day!
The Budget Sub-committee: David Frank, David Smith, and Jim Waldron, have been working hard to bring us a Budget. This is difficult and deeply thoughtful work. Balancing priorities is always challenging. Our Budget is a moral document, one in which all of us can be proud. It is an expression of our values. Your generosity and the generosity of those who came before allows us the opportunity to live out our values and build a future for those who are yet to come.
Each of the above groups represent the kind of amazing work and fulfillment of dreams that happens here at the UUCV. Please take the time to thank all of these folks for their efforts on our behalf.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck
by Kitty Merrill | Apr 7, 2017 | Notes from President's Desk
During the past month you have been hearing about the upcoming Celebration Sunday on April 9. This event will follow our Sunday Service and is for all Members and Friends of the UUCV. From our founding in 1958 to today, the legacy that is the UUCV was accomplished not only with time and talent, but also with a financial commitment. We make that commitment in order to seed our tomorrows with opportunities to live out the values of Unitarian Universalism.
During the March 5 Sunday Service, Darryl Marquez gave his reflection on how the UUCV has changed his life.
“The first face of the UUCV I got to meet was Harold Cartlidge. I was living at Riverhaven and he was working on our water supply line for the camp. My partner at the time liked to get involved so he and Harold worked on it together. It wasn’t long before we were invited to church. Not knowing what I was getting into I brought a bible. LOL. As a child, I went to a Catholic school (not by choice) during the week, and a Baptist church (by choice) on Sunday. Now a church that doesn’t need a bible; this is my kind of place.
The Rev. Jan Christian took the pulpit. I was captivated and immediately hooked on this new place. I don’t recall much about the sermon or my first visit but the members I would eventually meet would become my friends and my family.
Wow! That was almost ten years ago. In that time, I have been encouraged and supported by so many; and certainly blessed. Some things I’ve been able to be a part of: I participated in the first Lift Up Your Voice (LUYV) photo project. I have been a volunteer for LUYV from the beginning.
Our advocacy for the homeless has meant so much to me. I help with our safe sleep program and I’m currently working with Rev. Dana as a pastoral associate.
I’m so supportive of our parks outreach team. So very proud of everyone that helps at VCMC One Stop, another program that has helped me in the past. I could go on and on.
This community has warmed my heart in ways I never thought possible. In turn, I have been able to grow, to turn my life around and truly feel my own inherent worth and dignity. Along the way, I discovered that a church is not its building, it is the community of people gathered and what they do together to make a difference in the world. I am proud to be a Unitarian Universalist and member of this church. Looking forward to the next chapter.“
We can see in each other the stories of lives changed by our presence in the community as a voice of liberal religion. There are letters posted in the hall near the copy machine that speak of our generosity and how we have been able to give aid and hope to those in need. We change lives.
Our Annual Pledging event gives you the opportunity to commit your personal resources in support of the mission of the UUCV. I hope you will consider raising yours.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President