by Kitty Merrill | Oct 11, 2015 | Justice Actions
Settled Ministerial Search Committee Report – October
The Settled Minister Search Committee (SMSC) continues to meet regularly. The Congregational Survey is available to take online or as a paper copy. We hope all members and friends take the survey to let us know what you value about UUCV and what qualities you want in a new settled minister. Another way to have input and hear others’ ideas is to come to a focus group held at church and in members’ homes.
Sign up at the bulletin board in Berg Hall or contact Silvia Hutchins Once the surveys and focus groups are completed, the information will go into our “packet” to be viewed by ministers interested in serving our church. The packet will have information and pictures about all aspects of church life and the various activities, both serious and fun.
by Kitty Merrill | Oct 1, 2015 | Justice Actions
Think of a Minister. Don’t Think of an Elephant
Chances are you thought of both. And perhaps distinct images came to mind in terms of what a minister should look like. This Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop is a key part of the new minister search process. In finding the person who would be the best match for us, we could potentially overlook or even let biases keep us from recognizing a particular person would be that best match. Ministers in our faith who are people of color, bisexual, gay, lesbian, female, transgender, differently-abled, young, old, ethnically different, or of a different class—all of these credentialed ministers still face discrimination as part of the ministerial search process.
In our efforts to find the best match, the search committee has arranged for a presenter from the Unitarian Universalist Association to join us on Sunday, November 1. The presenter will meet with the search committee, lead the Sunday service, and facilitate a 3-hour conversation where we will have a chance to examine how we can avoid letting prejudice become a part of our search process. The program will thus help us to explore our hopes and concerns for a new minister, learn more about the search process, and see how our own history (both personal and congregational) might interfere with our efforts in this search. The program is now 20 years running and has proved very useful and valuable to congregations in the search process.
Save Sunday Nov 1 for a special service, potluck and afternoon program!
by Kitty Merrill | Sep 1, 2015 | Justice Actions
Q: Why do I need to go to a Focus Group?
A: Focus Groups are a great place for the exchange of ideas, and to hear how others view the church and will measure ministerial success.
Q: I’m not a member. Can I attend a Focus Group?
A: Yes. If you attend on Sundays, serve on a committee, join us for events, etc.
Q: I’m a teenager. Can I participate?
A: Absolutely. That would be so awesome! What you think and what you say is important.
Q: How will I know which Focus Group to go to?
A: Sign up sheets for the Focus Groups are at the Search Committee bulletin board near Spiritual Growth and Adult Programs in Berg Hall.
Q: Will I need to both participate in a Focus Group and respond to the Survey?
A: Since the Focus Groups and the Survey cover different topics, it will be most informative and helpful if you do both.
Q: What happens with the information?
A: It’ll be included in the Congregational Packet pre-candidates receive. We will use your comments and responses as we proceed in the Search process.
by Kitty Merrill | Aug 1, 2015 | Justice Actions
Settled Ministerial Search Committee Report – August 2015
The Settled Minister Search Committee (SMSC) met in July to get to know each other and to start the business of the committee. We learned about the search process, the timeline involved, and divided up the work according to our various interests and talents. During the process the SMSC will put together a comprehensive congregational packet so prospective ministerial candidates can learn about us. At the same time candidates will have their own packets so the SMSC can learn about them
In September and October the SMSC will launch a Congregational Survey and series of Focus Groups to receive your input about selecting a minister. The Survey and the Focus Groups offer members and friends an opportunity to express their needs and wishes for the congregation’s future ministry. A high survey response rate with active and engaged Focus Group participation will give the SMSC vital information about the congregation’s make-up and future direction. Meeting, talking, and sharing in community will help us move beyond the past and think about our congregation’s dreams and wishes for the future. Your survey responses and discussions in the Focus Groups will be part of the congregational record, and will be posted on the web for all interested ministerial candidates to review. What we say about ourselves in the congregational record makes all the difference in who becomes interested in serving our church community. A high survey response participation in the Focus Groups will make the congregational record more accurately reflect who we are and where we wish to go. The Congregational Survey will be available online and in hard copy on Sunday, Sept 13.
The Focus Groups, held both at church and at members’ homes start the first two weeks of October. Please sign up at the bulletin board next to the Spiritual Growth and Adult Programs information in Berg Hall, or contact Celia Ortenberg at before Oct 20 and after Oct 20 Silvia Hutchins at
by Admin | May 25, 2015 | Justice Actions
Since March, 2010, the Safe Sleep program has offered homeless people a safe place to sleep in their cars in our parking lot without being cited. (It is otherwise illegal throughout the city to sleep in a vehicle.) Hours are restricted to 7 pm through 7 am, and the Salvation Army handles applicant screening and other administrative aspects of the program.
Participants must apply for the program through the Salvation Army, and meet certain conditions to be eligible for the program. They also receive services to help give them a path out of homelessness. Guests are screened by The Salvation Army and have a case worker assigned to them. It is our intention to create a friendly, welcoming experience for all.
Action Opportunities:
- Welcome Packets
- Site Monitors
To volunteer for these Action Opportunities contact the Lift Up Your Voice Director
- May 2009 – the City of Ventura approved and funded a pilot sleeping in cars program known as Safe Sleep Ventura.
- October 2009 – Ventura City Council approved The Salvation Army as the lead agency for the pilot program. Agreements between The Salvation Army and lot owners were established, rules developed and case management staff hired.
- March 2010 – Safe Sleep begins
Please schedule an appointment by calling The Salvation Army at 805-648-5032.
Inquiries can be directed to
by Admin | May 21, 2015 | Justice Actions
Cluster Camp is a good way to:
- Check out DeBenneville for a weekend
- Spend quality time with friends and folks you’d like to know better.
- Meet new folks from nearby UU congregations
- Have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.
- Get away from it all with your family (Family Camp is already sold out…register for next year)
- Play, relax and breath!
- More info at at
DeBenneville Pines is a UU camp owned by the congregations of the Pacific Southwest District. It’s up near Angeles Oaks in the San Bernardino mountains, and offers camp experiences for youth and adults. Sleep in bunk beds in cabins with meals prepared for all dietary needs. Scholarships are available.