by Admin | Sep 4, 2018 | Finance Committee
- We expect to spend $496,607 for the operation and activities of our church this year, but that is an estimate, not a fact. We spent $450,881 during the year ending June 30, 2018, and that is a fact supported by our year-end profit and loss statement. Churches do not seek to make a profit. We strive to fulfill our mission.
- Our activities and programs are made possible by our minister, employees, lay leaders and volunteers.
- Our employment costs are expected to be 71% of our projected expenses this year.
- Automatic monthly payments can also be set up for you using a church vendor, and you pay no charges for this feature and it is easy to set up and manage changes.
You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the masthead area, then, click on the picture of the mouse and follow the instructions; or by contacting David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Kitty Merrill | Aug 7, 2018 | Finance Committee
What you May Not Know about Pledge Statements:
- We send church members and friends pledge statements in April, July, and October. The December 30 statement is not a pledge statement comparing the pledge you made and the status of the payments towards that pledge. It is a summary of all donations made by you during the calendar year, not the church year, July 1 to June 30.
- Paying pledges on the last day of the month or the first day of the month can cause irregularities on your statement because of the timing of the posting of your payments to your account. Paying between the 5th of the month and the 20th can eliminate these timing errors.
- The most common error noted on the statements is someone forgot to make a payment for one or two months. Having your bank send electronic payments once a month is an easy way to avoid such omissions. Many banks do this for free if you set up the payments online.
- Automatic monthly payments can also be set up for you using a church vendor, and you pay no charges for this feature and it is easy to set up and manage changes.
- You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the masthead area, then, click on the picture of the mouse and following the instructions; or by contacting David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Admin | Jul 3, 2018 | Finance Committee
• July 1 marks the first day of our 2018-2019 church year. Our total expenses for the new year are expected to be $496,607. This pays for the maintenance of the church property, all of our programs, committees and teams. Our program costs are primarily for worship services, religious education, growing our membership and music.
• The amount of this year’s expenses is significantly more than our sustainable annual income. The next two years will challenge us if we want to sustain our current level of programs and activities.
• You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the header, click on the picture of the mouse and following the instructions; or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Admin | Jun 11, 2018 | Finance Committee
- Our annual budget is created in February and March each year and voted up or down at our annual meeting in June. This year, members will receive a line item budget and a programmatic budget in their annual meeting packet.
- Next year’s budget includes the last of the three-year bridge pledges of $43,000 per year from members, and credits from having a volunteer director of religious education for one year, and other existing funds.
- You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the header, click on the picture of the mouse and following the instructions; or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Admin | May 3, 2018 | Finance Committee
• UUCV has approximately 270 members and pledging friends. Their ongoing donations pay for 90% of all church expenses. Church expenses include our programs and the costs of maintaining our building. Due to the generosity of members and friends, past and present, we have no mortgage.
• Fundraisers such as the annual auction and annual crafts sale, unpledged donations and building use fees from nonprofit groups provide the remainder of our income.
• You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the header, click on the picture of the mouse and following the instructions; or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Admin | Apr 2, 2018 | Finance Committee
• UUCV has three financial enterprises, not just one. The primary budget is approved at our congregational meeting in June is for most of the programs of the church except Lift Up Your Voice and the Inreach Outreach Fund.
• Pledge payments are the source of revenue for most of our church programs, such as paying employees, and nearly everything else to keep the church humming.
• Our weekly offerings are the source for the Inreach/Outreach donations that go to other nonprofit charities and individuals in need of assistance.
• Lift Up Your Voice is now used primarily for the Park Outreach activities. It originated with grant money and has benefited from Inreach/Outreach offerings.
• You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the masthead area, then, click on the picture of the mouse and following the instructions; or by contacting contact David Smith