Re-inhabiting the Church
Dear Members and Friends,
A few weeks ago, Rev. Dana and Yukio Okano shared the first in a series of Between Sundays posts about Re-Inhabiting the Church. Part one can be read here. I am here to share part two.
Reserving church spaces
How wonderful that we are gathering in-person again! That said, all meetings and events held at the church need to be reserved. Whether you are a new group or were meeting before the pandemic and are wanting to meet in-person again, let’s make sure you have a designated space. To reserve space, please send me an email.
Updating the calendar
Did you know that you can view the UUCV calendar on our website any time? Here it is. Every reserved group and event are on the calendar, along with upcoming events such as memorial services and holiday gatherings. Our calendar is also linked in UUCV This Week each week. I encourage all groups to look at the calendar to make sure everything is accurate. If anything needs updating, please send me an email.
If ever your contact information changes (mailing address, phone number, email), please send me your revised information via email so I can update our records.
Updating your pledge
Did your account number change? Need to update your pledge? Want to switch to automatic deductions? Please contact me, and I will contact you. If ever account information needs to be discussed, I will always call you for confidentiality.
Churchwide communications
Each Thursday we send out our weekly e-newsletter, UUCV This Week. On Saturdays we send out worship service information for the following Sunday. During the week we periodically send out Between Sundays messages (like this one!), along with other important messages. Should you need to update your contact information or have questions about e-communication, please contact me via email.
How to best contact staff members
- Rev. Dana Worsnop: The best way to contact Rev. Dana is via email at or via text to 503-312-0401. Emails anytime and texts preferred between 9 am and 9 pm Tuesday through Saturday. She also wants to hear about urgent and emergency matters whenever they happen.
- Carolyn Bjerke, Music Director: The best way to contact Carolyn is via email at
- Lily Rappaport, Acting Director of Family Ministry: The best way to contact Lily is via email at or via phone at 516-322-4221.
- Jennifer Luce, Congregational Administrator: The best way to contact me is via email at I can also be reached via the office phone at 805-644-3898, though because of my hybrid schedule, messages are checked three days a week.
In-person office hours
- My in-person office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am – 12 pm. I am available to meet at other times by appointment.
- All other staff is available by appointment.
Should you have any questions, please reach out. I am happy to help how best I can.
With much gratitude,
Jennifer Luce, Congregational Administrator

A Message from Jennifer Luce
Congregational Administrator