by Kitty Merrill | Jun 4, 2018 | Adult Programs

The Watercolor Group meets every Wednesday from 12:00 to 2:30pm in Berg Hall at the church. Come and play with us.
We offer good conversation, inspiration, camaraderie, and gentle instruction. Work at your own pace.
Beginners are welcome! We have everything you need to get started.
If you would like more information, please contact Veronica Bear at 805-444-0876 or
by Kitty Merrill | May 24, 2018 | Adult Programs
Circle Dinners give you a chance to get to know folks you may not have met at church yet, while sitting round the dinner table at someone’s home enjoying conversation and shared food.
Each dinner gives you a chance to get to know new people from the church. Dinners are scheduled 2 to 4 times a year, and usually have 6-10 people at each event (including hosts). In addition to the space, hosts usually provide the entree, while guests bring side dishes and desserts. Discussion topics are generally spontaneous and varied.
The UUCV women’s group, SIS (Sisters in Spirit) organizes Circle Dinners for the congregation three or four times a year, Look for posted notices and announcements in our newsletter, On Common Ground, and in social media. During the month prior to a dinner, SIS will be at a table in Berg Hall following Sunday services to provide how-to information and suggestions about hosting or attending.
The dinners are a great way for new members and friends to meet others. Longer-time members can choose to attend a dinner where they will meet those they do not know well. And, it is just plain fun to spend an evening with UUs.
Contact: Marcy Burns, (805) 382-4696,

by Admin | Mar 22, 2018 | Adult Programs
by Beverly Jordan, Community Life Coordinator
The Adult Programs Coordinating Team (APCT) includes Xenia Young, Carolyn Briggs, Kathleen Wheeler and myself.
If you are interested in facilitating an adult program at the church, contact us for an application. We’d enjoy hearing your ideas! Click here for the current Adult Programs Brochure:
by Admin | Dec 1, 2016 | Adult Programs
“One of the things that so impressed me with this church was the many small groups offered. From men’s and women’s groups, book clubs, adult religious education, exercise and even hobby groups. So how do Covenant Groups differ from all the other small groups? Covenant Groups are led by trained co-facilitators. Working from a monthly theme and within a structured format, they will bring in related readings and offer thought provoking questions. By allowing space for contemplation, participants are able to articulate their thoughts as well as listen clearly to others. Being deeply heard is something that rarely happens, but is beautiful when it does.” Gina Norstedt
If you are interested in articulating your thoughts, being heard, deeply listening to others and engaging in quality conversation, consider signing up for a Covenant Group. New groups start in October 2018 and conclude in May 2019. Register by attending the Orientation Registration September 23, 2018 from 11:30 – 12:30. For more information contact: Pam Waldron, (805) 256-0756. Groups are open to Members, Pledging Friends and those currently attending UUCV.
Click here to view the 2018/2019 Covenant Group brochure:
UUCV Cov Grp Brochure
by Kitty Merrill | Jul 6, 2016 | Adult Programs
UU Hikers hit the trail on the first Saturday of the month. They leave at 8 am sharp from the church. Come enjoy beautiful views, good company and vigorous exercise. 
Guests are welcome if they are capable and prepared. Contact: Mike Sixbey 205-4032