Between Sundays 12-14-22

Dearest Congregants,

We are a new group convened to help our congregation become more conscious of ways that power dynamics, of which patriarchy is a part, affect our culture within UUCV, and to provide opportunities for us to learn new ways of being together. Following the work done by the Committee on Ministry and the themes which emerged, our group was formed as an “Equity Ministry” consisting of 3 men and 3 women with guidance as needed from Rev. Dana.

Our time together has already been rich and has led us to recognize that the collective hearts of our congregation are open to growth and can tolerate a bit of discomfort in addressing these issues. The plan is to bring these issues to the congregation with a variety of offerings. Our group strives for compassion and respect for one another amid differing views. Our hope is that we, as a congregation, can relate to one another in a similar way by expanding on the spirit of the UUCV Right Relations Covenant

·       Facilitated discussion groups on topics of patriarchy and other hierarchical cultural systems 
·       Book group on issues in the works of Toni Morrison, (to be led by Susan Franzblau and Ryyn Schumacher) 
·       Workshop to explore how to unlearn patriarchy facilitated by Julie Moore, Gary Zinik and Celia Ortenberg

  • Guest presentations from outside UUCV to broaden our perspectives, such as Rev. Rod Richards, Sr. Minister of the San Luis Obispo UU congregation, or consultants from the UUA and beyond 
  • Create a “library” of resources to share with the community such as TED talks, YouTube videos, etc. 

It is possible that some will experience discomfort during these discussions. If or when this happens, we of the Equity Ministry all have agreed to make ourselves available to our members who want to have private discussions. Our email addresses can be found in the church directory. 

In faith,
David Henkel and Neal Ortenberg on behalf of the rest of the Equity Ministry: Kathleen Wheeler, Kitty Merrill, Gary Zinik, and Diana Kubilos

Annual Arts & Crafts Fair

UU Ventura Annual Arts and Crafts Fair is back! Discover work from local artists in fiber art, jewelry, woodworking, photography, handmade knit and crochet and fine arts, with a large variety of gift or “keep for yourself” items. Proceeds benefit local artists and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura.

Ample parking available in back of the church For more information, call 805 256-0756.

 Nov 13, 2022 11:00am-2:00pm
5654 Ralston Street, Ventura
UU Church Community Hall

All Are Welcome!



Between Sundays – Religious Education Program

Good People,
This missive is to bring you up to date on efforts to rebuild and sustain our Religious Education program. UU Ventura is not alone in having a disruption in RE programs, not alone in having to rebuild or needing to re-envision what our programs for our children, youth and families will look like. 
Where we are now 
RE is offered now, but in a different way.  This, written for the website by the RE Advisory Group, explains what people with children can expect: We are currently in transition and recruiting a new Religious Education professional. During this transition, please bring your children to church so that they can experience connection with other youth their age through play and UU rituals. Activities are being planned by our dedicated, long-term RE volunteers.
What We Need Now 
To keep the program going until a DRE is in place, we need a few more people to support Sunday mornings.
** If you have a fun program idea for children and youth, please let Laurie Lemson know.
** We also need 1-2 more folks who can help organize the RE schedule and support the volunteers who do the programs each Sunday.
Progress So Far 
Board President Jim Merrill and Committee on Ministry member Krista Mendelsohn convened an RE Advisory Council with David Henkel, Kim Prieto, Francesca Ferrara, Laurie Lemson, Paul Grabowski, and Erica Duffy. A fine team.
They relaunched the RE program on Oct. 2 with a grand barbecue and party, with bouncy houses. The kids came forward for a story in the service, and the adults formed a Bridge of Love. Tears and laughter intermingled.
Since then, Laurie Lemson, Cary Davis, and Cheryl Gilbert have been offering fun RE session. For the present, Laurie and Francesca are organizing and coordinating Sundays with staff support from Jennifer Luce and Rev. Dana.
The Council is planning monthly events, especially for our children, youth, and families, though the whole congregation will be invited. The Council has also reached out to our RE families to find out how they and their kids are feeling about our programs and what they hope for in the future.
We are aware that this is the beginning of a process of regenerating our programs that will take us time to do well. We want a new religious educator as soon as possible, and we want that person to be a partner re-imagining RE. Do we want/need another DRE or a Director of Family Ministry or a Director of Lifelong Learning. Those are not just different names for the same job. They are different, if overlapping, ways of holding the congregation. Religious Education is a program of the whole congregation.
Search for our Next DRE 
David Henkel and Kim Prieto are taking the lead in our search for our next Director of Religious Education with resources from the association. They will soon have a job posting up, aiming for a new
DRE in the new year. We will be seeking an Acting DRE at least ¾-time to help us transition and rebuild and be eligible to apply for the permanent position.
While we are not yet post-Covid, we are now discovering what the world looks like going forward. Perhaps we can call it the Big Reset.
As we enter the 3rd fall in Covid Time, at last I have space to get myself ‘up on the balcony’ to get a wider perspective of all that has ensued in our beloved congregation. The rebuilding of our RE program is a process that will evolve over time. We do have significant immediate needs to address. I encourage you to help as you can and to engage in a longer-term process of imagination and innovation. 
With Faith in Community, 
Rev. Dana 

Reverend Dana Worsnop

Between Sundays – Intern Minister Search

Hello UUCV Community,

   Exciting News: an Intern Minister Search (IMS) Team has formed, consisting of Gary Zinik, Jim Waldron, Krista Mendelsohn, and Rev. Dana! The opening sentence of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Internship Manual states, “The internship requirement is one of the more critical formative experiences for those who seek to become fellowshipped Unitarian Universalist ministers and for the congregations that are committed to supporting our ministry.” The IMS Team has met a couple of times, and created a timeline to hopefully secure an Intern Minister for our church starting September 2023. Additionally, the IMS Team met with the UUCV board of trustees in May, who passed a motion to officially support the effort to bring an intern minister to our church. This is a win-win situation all around. We provide a rich hands-on learning experience for a minister in training, while the congregation reaps the benefit of a temporary new staff member with new energy and resources.

The IMS Team will be confirming funding for an Intern Minister, including UUCV budgeted money as well as a UUA grant. We are creating a profile for our church and the Intern Minister we are seeking to post on the UUA Internship Clearinghouse. With Jimmy’s assistance, we will also post that information on an Intern webpage on our church’s website.

What can you do? One of the most difficult aspects for a potential Intern Minister coming to work in our area of the country is finding affordable housing. If you have a rental property, granny flat, or other independent living space (e.g. NOT a room in your home that would require shared kitchen/bathroom, etc.) that you would be willing to offer to an Intern at no or low cost from Sept. 2023 to June 2024, please get in touch with Krista (, 858-229-1414).

For some historical perspective, the last time our church had an Intern Minister was approximately 10 years ago when Rev. Kristen Rohm interned with us. Also, the UUCV 5 Year Vision Plan (adopted in March 2020), put forth the goal that our church become a Teaching Congregation and provide an internship, and that funds could be made available for this purpose from the existing Assistant Minister Fund and the Legacy Fund.

Please look for the Intern Minister item on an upcoming congregational meeting agenda as a way to share your support and ideas.

Krista Mendelsohn and The Intern Minister Search Team

Between Sundays – Summer Services

Good People,
   Summer Services at the UU Church of Ventura  will feature a number of familiar faces, though some in new roles. 
You’ll find more detail below, though I want to catch you up a bit on where I’ve been for the last couple of weeks.
I have just returned from a successful General Assembly in Portland, where I stayed a couple extra days to see old friends. This was not a GA with weighty issues or particular controversy, though there were a couple of contended seats on the UUA Board of Trustees. That was probably just as well, as we were trying out so many new things. It was also the first General Assembly for our DRE Fidelity Ballmer who connected with her LREDA colleagues and the UU Young Adult community. This was the second GA for Music Director Carolyn Bjerke, though it was her first as a seminarian.
I’m dipping back into church life to wind up a couple of things before I head back out for the month of July. I’m not going anywhere, though I’ll be laying low, catching up with friends and household tasks. Resting, reading, writing, breathing, and such.
Summer Services
 Among the familiar faces in worship this summer will be our Cluster Ministers from San Luis Obispo to the Conejo Valley. Each minister chose a favorite Zoom service from the last year or so, recorded a sharable version of the sermon, and provided our lay worship teams all the other service elements. We remain grateful to each other and for the new ways we are collaborating. This has been what some call a ‘Covid Rainbow’ in the midst of the storms.
Other known and loved faces you will see are 
  • Tanner Linden who grew up in the church and is blossoming as a UU Young Adult. He’s making a summer stop back home and will be in our pulpit in August.
  • Fidelity is also eager to try her hand at creating a lively All Generations service in July. 
  • And Carolyn will preach for one of her first times ever bringing us all a sense of what she has been learning from her first year (virtually) at United Theological Seminary, based in St. Paul, Minnesota. 
  • I will round out the summer preaching a couple of services in August. 
Covid Time is not done with us, though we have rounded a few corners. 
We’ve also learned buckets of new ways to craft and lead worship, and we get to try a few more this summer.
May all have a Safe Summer first, and then filled with lots of the sweet things that summer brings:
Sunshine, play, rest, travel, hiking, biking, swimming, breathing fresh air, many sorts of grilled foods, all accompanied by the love and delight of family and friends.
Over and out for now.
With love,
Rev. Dana
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