The Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th, after the worship service in the sanctuary.
Below is the annual meeting packet documents. Only a limited number of these documents will be printed and available at the meeting, so please bring copies if you need them.
Our Congregation’s Annual Meeting will be on June 10th, 2012 at 11:30am. All members are strongly encouraged to attend. Select the link below to download the congregation’s Annual Report for the 2011-2012 church year. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Briggs, or Rev. David Pyle.
Leaving the Shelter at 6:00 AM . . . . “It’s a challenge to wake and dress three children so early.”
Michelle and her partner, John, grew up in Ventura. They have three sons living with them and a fourth who lives with John’s dad. The children are energetic, outgoing, and well cared for.
Circumstances evolved: John’s mother became ill and needed medications – Jobs became scarce for John’s dad. To reduce expenses on John’s parents, the young family moved from Redding back to Ventura. During the day they appreciate the friendship and hospitality at Harbor Church in Ventura, which John attended years before.
The Armory provides mattresses and two meals, but folks must get up and leave at 6:00 a.m. “It’s a challenge to wake and dress three children so early.” Michelle’s brother offered the family some time in a motel, and the manager let them take advantage of a room cancellation. Michelle is hoping to find work there as a housekeeper.
“These experiences have opened our eyes to the bigger picture of homelessness.”
Former residents of the Wagon Wheel Motel until its closure, intermittent McGrath State Beach campers, Mark and Darryl became involved with Lift Up Your Voice! and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura during their residence at River Haven.
Mark and Darryl have been strong advocates on behalf of people who are homeless. Both will tell you, “these experiences have opened our eyes to the bigger picture of homelessness.”
Darryl is a lifetime resident of Ventura County. He was born in Oxnard and attended local schools including Ventura College. Mark’s homelessness started as a result of periodontal disease that spread to an infection in his back.
Hidden Ventura is a personalized, experiential outing for small groups seeking a greater understanding and awareness of homelessness.
Hidden Ventura is a unique experience created in partnership with people who are homeless or previously homeless who candidly share their living situations, personal stories and perspectives on homelessness.
Hidden Ventura may consist of a bus ride and walking outdoors.
“The Lift Up Your Voice: Hidden Ventura was a real revelation. To have a first hand look at people making an effort to get back into society is very inspiring.”
-Larry Markworth, Participant 2009
Action Opportunity:
Please consider hosting event a Hidden Ventura customized for your group*
*Due to the generosity of our funding partners, the McCune Foundation and the Fund for Unitarian Universalist Social Responsibility, we may be able to assist with underwriting a portion of Hidden Ventura costs.