Lift Up Your Voice Opportunities – January, 2018

Annual Homeless Person’s Memorial Service
The rescheduled Homeless Persons’ Memorial will be Saturday, January 27, at 3PM in Ventura’s Plaza Park. A silent procession through downtown will follow.”
The Winter Warming Shelter
The Winter Warming Shelter opened in late December and should be open at the Ventura Armory through the end of March. Our church is helping to facilitate the transfer of breakfast items from Food Share to the shelter on Thursdays. Contact Kathy Powell if you’d like to help.
The Warming Shelter needs volunteers. You’ll need a current TB test before you can work. Contact Steven Karnazes at to make arrangements

Connect with the Connecting Committee

We have a new “Connecting Committee” whose aim it is to foster engagement of members, friends, newcomers, and visitors into our church life.
Stop by our table, near the Welcome and Adult Program’s tables after church starting January 14, and talk with someone you may not know. We’ll have lots of information about the goings on in our church and a chance to go beyond questions to conversations. For more information contact Beverly Jordan at

From the Stewardship Team – January, 2018

Another Form of Stewardship
Stewardship is often described as the donation of time, talent and treasure to support an organization. With the recent fires, we saw another form of stewardship.
The church opened up and became a sanctuary for some evacuees. Emails went out updating us on the situation and offering resources. Childcare was provided when schools were closed. Congregation members brought food for an impromptu potluck and opened their homes. We took care of each other. This is also stewardship, a stewardship that can exist because we have all worked at maintaining and building this UUCV community.
Thank you for being in this community and being such generous stewards to our community and to each other.

Membership Committee – January, 2018

A unique volunteer opportunity is coming this month! The Membership Committee’s Welcome Team is expanding in light of the many visitors and guests that are coming to our Worship Services and other events.
I enthusiastically invite you to join the Welcome Team… you’ve seen those church members on Sundays in the entryroom welcoming visitors and guests and offering Visitor Packets and nametags; you’ve seen them guiding Greeters with their tasks; you’ve seen them sitting at the Visitor Information Table in Berg Hall chatting with newcomers about our faith, our church, our activities; you’ve seen them occasionally sitting in on a Newcomer Chat hosted by Beverly Jordan and the Membership Committee.
If you have read this far and would like to be part of the Welcome Team, contact me at 805/479-4852 or You would be scheduled for Sunday welcoming tasks every six weeks or so, you wouldn’t need to attend Membership Committee meetings (unless you chose to!), and you’ll have a chance to participate in a brief, rewarding and fun training meeting near the end of January after a Sunday Worship Service. Look for an announcement!
-Gudrun Eastham, Chair

Buildings and Grounds – January, 2018

by Linda Pietrzak
The December Work Party occurred on the 16th after most of the fire danger for Ventura had passed. What remained was the ash and smoke in the air. There were still piles of pine needles around the parking lot. Would anyone come out to rake and bag the pine needles? Twelve members of the congregation came out! Be sure and thank Geoff Dann, George and Ruth Owens, Rob March, Bryan Buck, Mike Sixbey, Haibiba Peterson, Sherry Anderson, Joyce Sattler, Bill Peltola, Merle Oberg, and Linda Pietrzak. They donned their masks and manned their rakes and got the parking lot looking great.
They also found time to complete other chores. Bill Peltola checked emergency lights and fluorescent lights replacing any that needed it, George blew pine needles into piles, Mike Sixbey and Ruth pruned bushes in the raised beds, Sherry weeded along Ralston, Ruth also sorted the Lost and Found, Bill emptied the trash cans out back, Merle worked on the sprinklers, and Joyce picked up trash outside the church building and checked restrooms for sufficient paper products, Geoff worked on the light fixture in the RE women’s restroom, and Linda finally watered the olive tree.
Remember the last time it almost rained? Merle Oberg noticed drops of water falling on him from under the eaves of the church. John Puccetti checked on a drizzly day and found that ALL the seams in the gutter were leaking. When the gutters leak, the water soaks through on to the wood soffit around the building. Not good! We finally found someone who would patch the seams and clean all the pine needles and debris out of the gutters. That work was completed last month. Just like your home, you fix one thing and something else pops up!

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