by Admin | Jul 3, 2018 | Inreach/Outreach News
July 1: City Center is a transitional living center that provides a total of 38 rooms (recently added 8 rooms) on Thompson Blvd. in Ventura for homeless families. It gives them a place to live while they rebuild their lives. Volunteers have built a playground, refurbished rooms, and serve as mentors. The Ventura YMCA provides programs for the families and children. Programs and services truly help people transform their lives and return to gainful employment. This non-profit is supported by a combination of donations from local businesses, churches, and private donors.
July 8: Innocence Project, founded in 1992 Cardozo School of Law, exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. Their mission is to free the staggering number of innocent people who remain incarcerated, and to bring reform to the system responsible for their unjust imprisonment.
July 15: LUYV UUCV’s Park Outreach Team helps the homeless men and women who are in our city parks find their way forward in life and meet them as friends and as people worthy of dignity, respect, and life necessities. The team provides bus passes necessary to access One Stop where they can get health coverage, food stamps, assistance with jobs, and help from case managers and sign up for all available services. This work is a reminder there is no available year-round shelter, no place for homeless to go during the day and a lack of adequate low-income housing.
July 22: UUCV Inreach/Outreach The fund provides assistance to those in our local and church community who may be in need of help
July 29: Salvation Army for Safe Sleep People who are homeless are often forced to let their car registration, driver’s license and car insurance lapse for lack of funds. Donations will help people in the Safe Sleep program get insurance, license and/or registration as needed and allow expansion of case management services for the participants of the Safe Sleep Program. The hope is the case manager can help the client move forward in their process to gain self-sufficiency and move into more permanent housing.
May and June Inreach/Outreach Recipients
Your generosity toward those who ask for our help continues to be amazing.
May 27: Heart to Heart – $781.29
June 3: PSWD: YRUU – $626.55
June 10: LUYV Park Outreach – $855.85
June 17: Ventura Homeless Prevention Fund- $673
Thanks so much for all your generous donations!
by Admin | Jul 3, 2018 | Justice Actions
Dear UUCV Community,
Happy summer to you! It’s been a phenomenal first year with you all, and I am so excited for many more to come.
This year we have completed a Coming of Age program for our 12-14 year olds, enjoyed a monthly parenting support group, held Children’s Chapels for all the children and youth together, and so much more.
Our mission is family ministry that develops wisdom and resilience with UU values and action, builds relationships across the ages, and builds connections to serve and learn within our congregation and beyond!
We hope each child, parent, guardian, teacher, and grandparent feels loved, connected, inspired, and valued by UUCV, and we are so grateful for your presence among us!
Armfuls of Love
Emily Carroll, Director of Religious Education
by Admin | Jul 3, 2018 | Building and Grounds
by Linda Pietrzak
During the months of May and June, Building and Grounds had help with several projects. The Covenant Group consisting of Susan Franzblau, Phoebe Higgins, Diane Wamsley, Veronica Bear, Mary Jo Kusiak, Joyce Lombard, Helen McPherson, Peggy Anders, and Mary Kay Lambert, painted reflective arrows at the entry as well as the posts marking the entry while adding reflectors. We thank them for coming up with a much-needed project.
I heard from Kathy Powell and Sally Shampine that some of our Safe Sleep guests were pulling weeds along the Ralston side of the church. When I checked on Sunday there were three large trash bags full of weeds with roots. I also heard Ruth Owens took time to pull weeds between church activities. Way to go Ruth, good use of spare time. I guess this is a big hint for what needs to be done at the July Work Party.
New Building and Grounds Chair
We welcome Wil Devine as the new B&G chair. I met him and his wife Haibiba Peterson when Beverly Jordan introduced us. She said they were interested in getting involved with Building and Grounds. Wil came to meetings, Work Parties, and got to know all the other committees that B&G interacts with. His goal is to increase the number of volunteers and have B&G work in collaboration with other committees in the church.
Contacts Linda Pietrzak: Wil Devine:
by Admin | Jul 3, 2018 | Finance Committee
• July 1 marks the first day of our 2018-2019 church year. Our total expenses for the new year are expected to be $496,607. This pays for the maintenance of the church property, all of our programs, committees and teams. Our program costs are primarily for worship services, religious education, growing our membership and music.
• The amount of this year’s expenses is significantly more than our sustainable annual income. The next two years will challenge us if we want to sustain our current level of programs and activities.
• You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the header, click on the picture of the mouse and following the instructions; or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or
by Admin | Jun 11, 2018 | Justice Actions
Spring seems such an apt time for the theme of Blessing, especially here on the Central Coast of California. Long before serving this congregation in Ventura was even a gleam in my eye, I always said that this coast had the best climate in the world. Especially in spring when the abundance and blessing of living here is so evident.
Yes, fires, mudslides, not to mention earthquakes, are among the hazards of living in the Golden State. The climate is changing in unpredictable ways. And June Gloom may yet descend upon us.
And still we are blessed. For we have community to rely upon, to lean into for support and sustenance. We know that other people need us and we need them. We find here comfort and inspiration.
Yes, the world seems fraught and uncertain. The truth seems to have become a moving target. Our neighbors are too often afraid and turning inward.
And still we are blessed. For ours is a free faith, seeking ever to learn, uncovering new truth. We are guided by principles, which hold us to account and carry us through the rough terrain. We seek to know our place in creation and live lightly on the earth.
Yes, there are too many people without homes or too close to it. We live in a culture of income inequality, greed or indifference in the face of poverty We are a land built on the strength in diversity, yet we build walls against the next immigrants.
And still we are blessed. For we are a covenantal community, living by our values, knowing that we need not think alike to love alike. Together there is so much we can accomplish. The world is a kinder, more just and loving place because we are here.
I continue to feel so blessed to have been called to live and serve among you. This is just our second year together, and I imagine so much more good and many blessings ahead.
With love, Rev. Dana