by Admin | Nov 28, 2019 | Justice Actions
Help Our Riverhaven Friends Have A Merry Christmas!
Once again this year we will be providing a larger, more festive meal and gift bags for residents in December. Our delivery date will be December 23.
A sign-up sheet is available at the Social Action table for the dinner. Our goal for the gift bags is to provide each resident with a package of new socks, a knit hat that Jim is making and some holiday candy.
What we need from YOU is donations of packages of socks. We will be collecting your donations at the bookstore. We appreciate your support of this important holiday project!
by Admin | Nov 27, 2019 | News (home), Notes from President's Desk
The Holiday Season is upon us and with it the many feelings and emotions that usually accompany this season of hope. This is a time to be reflective as individuals and as a faith community. It is a time to cherish family and friends. A time to remember the blessings of the year now passing and to consider the possibilities for the year ahead. Here are some things that we can say about where we are now.
We are moving along with creating our next 5-Year Plan thanks to the work of the 545 Task Force following the speed visioning event held last month. Committees and teams have begun working on writing specific goals based on the information gathered over the past year. It looks like our new Plan is shaping up to be a road map to boldness in the coming years.
Some other highlights from this year include:
- Adding Jimmy Vasquez to our staff as Membership Coordinator.
- Beloved Conversations began last year, and this year will be hosted by our congregation.
- The Auction was a great success with lots of fun for everyone.
- Our parking lot is scheduled to be re-coated the end of January.
- The Art Gallery in the Green Room is a constant source of inspiration.
- A Capital Campaign started to fund a sound system for the sanctuary.
- We have expanded our circle of relationships.
Most importantly the UUCV has changed lives for the better. We do that every day of the year with our Lift Up Your Voice advocacy, with our Safe Sleep overnight parking, and with our Inreach/Outreach program of giving away the Sunday Plate to other non-profits and folks in need. We make a difference by donating food each Sunday to Project Understanding; by supporting River Haven; and by providing support to numerous organizations that use our facility for meetings. And those are only some of the things that we do at the UUCV!
Please take a moment to read the letters of thanks and appreciation from those receiving our gifts. They can be found on the bulletin board by the copy machine. This then is the work of Unitarian Universalism where our first principal states : “We affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.” That’s a message for every season! Finally, on behalf of the Board of Trustees,
Happy Holidays to Everyone! Thank you especially to our Staff, to Rev. Dana Worsnop, Congregational Administrator Jennifer Luce, Music Director Carolyn Bjerke, A/V Technician Brian Fortune, DRE Emily Carroll, Membership Coordinator Jimmy Vasquez, and to all of the RE Aides for all that you do in support of the UUCV. We have much for which to be grateful.
May peace and joy be yours this season.
Bryan Buck, President
by Admin | Nov 27, 2019 | News (home)
Holiday Season Schedule
- Dec. 1 – Everyday Awe
Gregory Carrow-Boyd, guest speaker and Worship Associates Jim Merrill and Maura Raffensperger. Greg is a religious educator and Aspirant for the UU Ministry. He is on the Board of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
- Dec. 8 – Too Many Holidays: Surviving December in America
Rev. Dana Worsnop and Worship Associate Joe Hutchins. We’ll celebrate the last day of Chalica and oh-so-many other holidays.
- Dec. 15 – One More Redeemer
Music Sunday. Rev. Dana Worsnop, Carolyn Bjerke and Worship Associate Krista Mendelsohn.
- Dec. 22 – A Light Shines Beyond Fear
Rev. Dana Worsnop and Worship Associate Maura Raffensperger. Dec. 24 • 5:30pm – Making Room at the Inn: a Las Posadas Christmas Eve (Bring the whole family) Rev Dana Worsnop, Carolyn Bjerke, and Worship Associate Sue Brinkmeyer.
- Dec. 24 • 9:30 pm – We Will Seek A Quiet Awe
Lessons and Carols at a more contemplative service Rev. Dana, and Worship Associate Jim Merrill.
- Dec. 29 – Offer our Love-Power and Heal.
Guest speaker Roberto Vargas and Worship Associates Joe Hutchins and Andy Edgar-Beltran.
Dr. Roberto Vargas, organizational psychologist, planning consultant, and leadership coach works with proactive organizations throughout the country assisting them to be their best. Author of the book, Family Activism, Roberto’s current focus is encouraging activists to recognize the role of radical love to create the billion miracles required to ensure a sustainable human society and Mother Earth
by Admin | Nov 25, 2019 | Announcements(home)
Our Theme for December is Awe
Being awe-struck can sometimes be a feeling of being a small part of something so vast as to almost be beyond comprehension. Yet it can also be something that makes us feel profoundly connected – even at home in a vast universe.
We are all made of the same stuff as the stars, which means we are all made of stardust. Some physicists say that contemplation of the vast universe doesn’t make them feel smaller, it carries them into a deeper awareness of our connections. Looking up at the stars, contemplating the cosmos can also allow us to look across at each other.
Let us do both in this season on longer nights – best for seeing stars and for seeing each other in firelight and candlelight.
Rev. Dana
by Admin | Nov 25, 2019 | News (home)
Please note: Recycling Soft/Film Plastics By Mark Mendelsohn and Celia Ortenberg It’s easier than we thought!
The Mendelsohn family will no longer be collecting your soft, otherwise known as film, plastics to take them to Santa Paula’s curbside recycling program. Santa Paula’s recyclables are now taken to Oxnard’s Del Norte transfer station, that does not recycle the film plastics.
The bin in the church kitchen will be removed as of December 1 because every one of us can now simply drop them off on our regular shopping trips! Sprouts, WinCo, Vons, Target and Kohl’s send them on their journey to become outdoor decking, fencing and furniture products manufactured in the USA by the socially and environmentally responsible company, Trex.
Of course, reducing and reusing is always preferred to recycling, so do that first, but when you find yourself ready to recycle, know there are many film plastics that can find a new life with Trex.
- These include grocery bags, bread bags, case overwrap (e.g., around toilet paper rolls), dry cleaning bags, newspaper sleeves, ice bags, wood pellet bags, produce bags, air pillows, bubble wrap, shrink wrap, salt bags, and cereal bags.
- Zip-top bags are acceptable only if they do not have a lining, Plastic shipping envelopes, padded or not, are acceptable but not combos of paper and plastic.
- All film plastics should be 99% dry and clean. Rinse out and dry zip-top bags, but with all others it’s more like a shake out the crumbs level of cleaning.
Trex explained a good way to feel for the HDPE #2 and LDPE #4 types of plastic that are accepted, is to stretch the plastic with your finger. If it leaves a finger dimple, then it’s good. Some items NOT acceptable are biodegradable/compostable bags, frozen entree wrappers and other plastics that are shiny, crinkly, and rip easily/straight, as well as foil-lined chip/snack/energy bar bags/wrappers, and pet food bags.
Trex is counting on us to properly sort and only submit these accepted film plastics! Other types slow down their process, cost more to burn off of the correct plastics, and jeopardize the entire film plastic recycling program of the submitting store!
Check out the posters in the church kitchen to help you get used to this new way of caring for the Earth!