The Humanist Seminar explores what it means to be human. We explore Humanism through readings in history, philosophy, science, psychology, atheism, evolution, climate change, politics, economics, and cosmology. We are informed by principles brought forth in the 3 Humanist Manifestos and other writings of the American Humanist Association.
Participation – One can enter the seminar at any time. The only expense is the purchase of assigned books from time to time. The group chooses books to read together. It’s understood that all members will do their best to read the books under discussion. For each 2-week period between discussions, the reading assignment is approximately 100 pages. Email is used to communicate dates of meetings and reading assignments.

2nd and 4th Sundays 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Hybrid meetings -On Zoom and in the Church Conference Room.

Duration –  Ongoing

Costs to Attend – Purchases of books we read together.

Presenter – Varies, usually the person who recommended the book.

Leader –  Julie Moore

Program or Activity Information Request

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please indicate program of interest


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