Celebration Sunday April 9.
We will celebrate the abundance and generosity of this congregation with a special luncheon after church. Together in the service we will make our pledges to the congregation for the coming year. Then our newly formed Stewardship Team will throw everyone a grand Thank You! Party.
This has been such a year for UUCV. We have welcomed and installed our new minister, Rev. Dana Worsnop. We have weathered an election season like no other. We have marched together, cried together, said tender goodbyes to dear ones. We have welcomed the new people pouring through our doors – so many that plans are underway for getting more chairs. We have continued to reach out into the community advocating for and serving people who are without homes. We have deepened our environmental awareness in the whole community, from our youngsters to our sage elders.
In the next year we will welcome a new Director of Religious Education and likely completely renovate our play area, revamp the acoustics and sound system in the sanctuary. We will also say goodbye to our beloved administrator Becky Burnham and welcome a new staff person.
There is so much to celebrate. Come to the party, make your pledge to support the mission of this vibrant community, and let the celebrations begin!

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