The UU Kids Corps puts RE values and teachings into action, giving kids and families volunteer opportunities with a minimal time commitment from parents.

Here’s how it works:

Our goal is to provide a service/social action event each month. Twelve families will sign up to coordinate one event. For an hour’s effort, you get a year’s worth of activism!

Possible activities include:

  • Work with UU RiverHaven outreach • Sing at a nursing home • Volunteer at an animal shelter event • Join in a beach cleanup day • Make care packages for homeless folks • Develop kids activities at a protest march

Many organizations have activities and a coordinator for a particular event The coordinator will need to know a date, numbers of attendees, and any age or accessibility restrictions.

A signup sheet will be posted at all the classrooms. You determine the activity, the date and time. Contact Vanessa Frank for ideas and support.

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