by Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager
How wonderful to have Reverend Dana on board
at UUCV! I am enjoying the beginning weeks
of building a strong staff collaboration as we embark
on this shared ministry adventure. I’d like to inform
you of a few shifts in my current portfolio.
As Membership Manager my predominant responsibilities
include facilitating the transitions from
visitor to member to integrated member. This currently
includes staff leadership for Covenant Groups
and Acting Chair of Spiritaul Grown Programs. I
also facilitate the monthly Caregiver support group.
Reverend Dana is now taking the lead on Pastoral
Care. I am delighted for the opportunity to continue
contributing sermons a few times a year.
My predominant focus on Sunday mornings will be
to meet new guests, offer a welcoming presence and
connect with the larger church community. Dana
will now be giving Sunday morning announcements.
(Deadline is Friday prior to the Sunday service.)
This is the first ministerial transition I have experienced
as a staff person. It takes time to let the circle
of transition turn its wheel. Dana brings fresh eyes
to this community. I value her insights, observations
and experience. It is important to let the flow of
vision and discovery take its natural course. Dana
and I will be collaborating on the leadership of the
Covenant Groups to be offered again in the winter
or spring of 2017.
The Covenant Group pilot program, completed in
July, was successful and provides a starting place
from which to establish a strong Covenant Group
ministry. Dana, myself and the Covenant Group
Steering Committee (Pam and Jim Waldron and
Gina Norstedt) are beginning our visioning and
planning of the next steps for this vital small group
ministry. Please join us Sunday, September 18, at
11:30 to experience a sample of a Covenant Group
Each person in this sacred community is vital to
the life of the church. Whether you are a founding
member or have recently graced us with your presence
– EACH OF YOU brings a unique set of gifts
and ideas and thoughts. We need it all. I hold great
anticipation as we step into our co-creative dance
into the future.
Embracing Sacred Community,

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