Friendship Sangha of the Heart

The Friendship Sangha of the Heart practices mindfulness meditation in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.  We gather every Monday for an  evening of meditation which includes silent sitting meditation, silent walking meditation, inspirational readings, music, singing, chanting, and an opportunity to share about our meditation practice. This weekly program is open to anyone who wants to meditate.

To learn more about this practice, you are welcome to attend a monthly Introduction to Meditation on the second Monday of the month.  A silent potluck vegetarian meal is held when a fifth Monday occurs in a month, about four times a year.  For more information about our Sangha please go to the Sangha website.

Days : Mondays, 7:00 pm Location: Church Sanctuary
Second Monday of the Month: Introduction To Meditation, 6:30pm (For reservations go to the Sangha website.)
Fifth Monday of the Month: Silent Potluck Vegetarian Meal, 6:00pm   Sangha Website:

Contact: Neal Ortenberg

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