Lift Up Your Voice (LUYV) Events
Join us Thursday, November 17, for our third annual Take a Hungry Person to Lunch event in observation of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week. Past participants tell us they love getting beyond the stereotypes and fear and, many times, seeing how interesting and talented their lunch partners are.
We’ll start in Berg Hall at 10:30am hearing from Gayle, a woman who taught school before becoming homeless and living in the river bottom for years. We’ll also meet the couple who took her to lunch two years ago — a meeting that ultimately helped Gayle return to housing. We’ll see a brief video of one of our church members telling of her years living on the streets of Ventura.
Then we’ll head over to Ventura’s Plaza Park, where you’ll meet the individual you (and a friend, if you like) will take to lunch. You’ll walk (or drive) to a nearby restaurant and get to know one another over a meal. Please contact Kathy Powell at or 805/910-8860 for further info. and to sign up to be a host.
Also, mark your calendars and plan to join us for our 11th annual Homeless Persons’ Memorial Service on Sunday, December 18 at 3pm in the gazebo at Ventura’s Plaza Park. Details will be in the December newsletter.
by Sue Brinkmeyer