Lift Up Your Voice (LUYV) Needs You
by Sue Brinkmeyer
Lift Up Your Voice is this church’s ministry to do what we can to end homelessness and to ease the suffering of those still struggling to survive it. Our work and over 50 volunteers are organized into teams, and each team has a leader or two.
Currently Kathy Powell leads our Park Outreach Team and our Events Team, Neal Ortenberg and Darryl Marquez lead the Safe Sleep Team, Kappy Paulson and Sally Shampine lead our One Stop Team, Pam Waldron leads our RiverHaven Team, Bill Wakelee and Sue Brinkmeyer lead our Family to Family Team, and Ruth Owens leads our efforts to launch Family Promise VC (a program to shelter families with children at churches). Quite a few people lead separate advocacy efforts: Rob March works on Ventura, Yukio Okano on Oxnard, and Kappy Paulson represents us on a coalition advocating for Homes for All and on the Faith Subcommittee of the Ventura Social Services Task Force.
Now Comes The Big Ask: Sue Brinkmeyer is leaving Lift Up Your Voice and is ready to help someone new take over two tasks: (1) convening meetings of the Lift Up Your Voice Steering Committee and (2) being the liaison between the church and the Lift Up Your Voice Team leaders. If you are interested in helping the work of Lift Up Your Voice by taking on either or both of these tasks, please contact Sue at 818/281-6249 or