Lift Up Your Voice (LUYV) To End Homelessness
by Kathleen (Kappy) Paulson
For the 11th year we, and others from the Ventura faith community, honored those who died on our streets as homeless. Rev. Dana and the Ventura clergy read the names of fifty-three people with ages ranging from 2 hours to 81 years old.
We are especially thankful to Zoe and Linda Jean for their help with the snacks, flowers and programs. Andy Edgar-Beltran sang beautifully haunting songs. Thanks to Dan Flores for the use of his audio equipment. Manny Edgar-Beltran’s community Madonna Ministry donated $500 to prepare bags for folks in the park. So many others played small parts in making the afternoon successful. Finally, this is Sue Brinkmeyer’s last Homeless Memorial (at least the planning part). We are grateful for Sue (and Kent’s) dedication to our homeless brothers and sisters.
We remembered those in need this holiday season with generous contributions to Inreach/Outreach causes in late November and early December.
School on Wheels received $1137 to help provide one-on-one tutoring, mentoring, academic support, backpacks and school supplies for students living in homeless situations in Ventura. Volunteers are trained and then assigned to an individual child and work with him or her for one hour each week wherever the child’s location may be.
We collected $556 for SMART Recovery (Self Management and Recovery Training) which allows the group to meet weekly, as the facilitator volunteers her time. Participants work on recovering from all types of addictive behaviors, be that drinking, taking drugs, overworking or any other habitual action that is harmful to one’s health or life balance.
An offering of $609 went to IMatter Youth, a national grassroots organizing umbrella organization that creates tools for youth leadership on climate change. Funds will support mentoring of local youth leaders, resources and tools.
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California (UUJMCA) received $507 to support leadership development and education; organizing and advocacy for environmental justice; immigration justice; lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality, and healthcare reform.
Homeless Count Needs Volunteers
by Kent Brinkmeyer
The County of Ventura needs your help to complete the Homeless Count on Tuesday, Jan 24. Local groups from each of our 10 cities lead the effort at count sites throughout the county. The count is a requirement for every community receiving HUD federal funding. In Ventura County, HUD funding accounts for almost $2 million annually to support homeless individuals and families. Volunteers will work in teams and receive training in recording the count. Teams go out in the early morning, during the day, and in the evening to places where homeless persons are known to gather. Counters must be 18 and are in the field for a couple of hours at a time,. Because we need to cover so much territory and many hours, a large number of volunteers is needed.
Won’t you consider joining us for this enormously powerful cause? Volunteers are encouraged to attend a volunteer count training in a convenient location in each city.