“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.” Seneca
Riverhaven Update
If you are new to UUCV you may not be aware our congregation provides dinner to the residents of Riverhaven on the fourth Monday of every month. Members of the congregation sign up to provide a dish (main dish, salad, dessert or “other”), bring it to the church by 3pm on the 4th Monday or on the Sunday before. Be sure to label it “Riverhaven.“ Dates for the next few months are June 25, July 23, and August 27.
If you want to support this important project please sign up at the Social Action Table.
Questions? Call Pam or Jim Waldron at 647-5650.
Thank you for supporting our friends at Riverhaven!
Lift Up Your Voice (LUYV)
by Kathy Powell
As our city reeled from the horrible killing and the backlash that followed, we at Lift Up Your Voice had to take a collective breath and figure out how to go forward.
Many of us were at the horrible city council meeting with the Angry People ready to attack every homeless person in sight and they were especially frustrated with any person who they thought helped the homeless in town.
The day after the meeting was our regular Park Outreach day and we had to weigh our safety going out. We decided to go and my son said we were the true anime definition of courage.
We went and we listened. We heard the voices of the homeless who were being vilified for something they didn’t do by a man they didn’t know. The city was turning against them and we were there, personifying the principals put forth in our faith of the inherent dignity of all.
Sometimes socks and baby wipes take on a whole new meaning. Thank you for supporting us as we do our work.