Here are some steps for adding a post:
- Go to All Posts and click on add new.
- Add title and under “Page Layout” on upper right hand menu, select “no sidebar”.
- Start adding text or cut and paste from document.
- On right hand side, scroll down to Categories
- Select category(s)…this aligns with the web page where posts related to that category show up.
ie: a post about ATIR news will show appear on the “Immigration Action” page. - To add an image, please first resize to 600px wide or less. Then click on “add media” above, then “upload media” and click on “Add to Post”. It is usually best to align it to the left (as shown).
- Click update…then on the black menu above, click view post to review.
- In right hand menu, you may also select as a “draft”, if you need to come back to finish or schedule it to post at a later date.
- Go back and edit as needed. That’s it!