Getting a Good Start

On November 5 the Board, Committee Chairs, and others from the UUCV were invited to participate in a workshop offered by the Pacific Western Region (PWR). The UU Association consultant, Rev. Anne Hines, facilitated. Attending were 28 members of our congregation in support of a process welcoming our new minister, Rev. Dana Worsnop. The purpose of this workshop, as Rev. Hines writes, “is to set the tone for a new beginning and lay the groundwork for a successful shared ministry.” Start-Up Workshops have long been part of our best practices in the PWR. We know that there is nothing like a good beginning to help things go right during a ministry. The morning session introduced the culture of the UUCV to Rev. Dana and began as a place to state the expectations that the congregation and Rev. Dana have of each other. A significant part of the morning session involved breaking up into four groups, each exploring a specific question and then sharing that question’s answers.
• What are the unwritten rules of the congregation?
• What are the stories of the UUCV that influence the present?
• What are the traditions and sacred cows of the UUCV?
• What are the truths of the UUCV everyone knows but no one speaks?
The afternoon session focused on clarifying which of the major aspects of ministry belong to the congregation, to the minister, and to staff, and setting priorities for this first year of shared ministry together. Of these priorities three stood out:
1. Hire a new Director of Religious Education
2. Successful resolution of the Homeless/Safe Sleep Task Group
3. Budget – Long-Range Planning
Rev. Hines commented about the results of the Workshop: “I thought the workshop garnered some good communication between those present and Rev. Dana, and a real desire to ensure her ministry with you gets off to a good start. Rev. Dana probably learned some important things about the church, especially through the anthropological study exercise. I think it’s important for the congregation to know the leadership and Rev. Dana had a good conversation clarifying roles and responsibilities – one that will continue; and that you were able to do some goal-setting for the year, with a stated awareness of the need to not take on too much.” A full, more detailed report on the workshop, may be found on our website and any questions you have may be directed to members of the Board. Finally, Happy Holidays to Everyone! Thank you also to our Staff, to Rev. Dana Worsnop, Becky Burnham, Carolyn Howard, Rev. Carolyn Price, Brian Fortune, Joyce Faber and all the RE Aides. We have much for which to be grateful and may peace and joy be yours this season.
Living in Paradise, Bryan Buck, President

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