“Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin

There are many groups of people to thank for their contributions on behalf of our congregation. This month there are four that I want to hold up and recognize.

April started with the Pacific Southwest “Justice” District Assembly in Tucson, Arizona. Several members made the journey and experienced life at the border. Jim and Kitty Merrill, Mike and Rena Pezzuto, Mary Kay Lambert, Harold Cartlidge and Dorothy Fasthorse, Michael Akseven, Rob March and Rev. Dana made the trip. They are a reflection of our congregation demonstrating that we show up and make a difference in the world. This Justice DA was a deeply moving experience and its closing circle, held outdoors in a parking lot, was as rich and meaningful as any Sunday Sermon held inside a building. It doesn’t matter where we gather together, what matters is why we gather to build the beloved community. In the case of DA being held at the Arizona border, it was to bring attention and bear witness to the injustice of our immigration system.

The Religious Education Search Team comprised of Erica Duffy, Rev. Dana, Laurie Lemson, Bob Newman and Rena Pezzuto, completed its task with the announcement on Celebration Sunday that we have hired Emily Carroll as our new Director of Religious Education. Emily is highly qualified and will be joining us in August. This is a momentous event as the excitement of this new relationship bodes well for the growth of the RE program and for young families in our congregation. All the people who have made RE happen for the last several years, the teachers, the aides, and our interim directors, are to be congratulated for their hard work and steady commitment as they and all of us, have waited patiently for the process of time to unfold and bring a new partner in caring for our children.

The Stewardship Committee, made up of Maura Raffensperger, Yukio Okano and Kappy Paulson brought us Celebration Sunday. Quiche and Mimosa’s, strawber­ries and great conversation followed the Sunday sermon “For All That Is Our Life” about generosity. As has already been reported, the response to increase pledge income for the coming year exceeded expectations and represents how much everyone believes in the work that we all share in changing lives and sup­porting the prophetic voice of liberal religion that is the UU Church of Ventura. Thank you everyone for this most wonderful day!

The Budget Sub-committee: David Frank, David Smith, and Jim Waldron, have been working hard to bring us a Budget. This is difficult and deeply thoughtful work. Balancing priorities is always challenging. Our Budget is a moral docu­ment, one in which all of us can be proud. It is an expression of our values. Your generosity and the generosity of those who came before allows us the opportunity to live out our values and build a future for those who are yet to come.

Each of the above groups represent the kind of amazing work and fulfillment of dreams that happens here at the UUCV. Please take the time to thank all of these folks for their efforts on our behalf.

Living in Paradise,

Bryan Buck

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