Making Plans and Real Life
At the beginning of our Sunday Service we ring the bell three times. Once for those who came before. Once for those who are here now. Once for those who are yet to come. It is a recognition of the circle of life, a cycling of the seasons that we, as individuals and as a congregation, experience. As each year passes I feel a deeper connection and appreciation with the message from the bell. Thoughts of gratitude come to my mind.
Those who came before: In the early days of this church some 58 years ago a few folks got together and met in small buildings and in homes. One of the original Founders of our church is Bobbi Schoenherr who still attends services and is one of the many dedicated and passionate members who has done so very much to make the dreams of the UUCV a reality. The complete history of our church is on our website, and worth reading. Even after 14 years as a member I don’t consider myself an old-timer. I can’t even imagine where the years went but I am amazed at what my experience as a UU has been and at what this church has accomplished. That’s what time can do for you. Yet we don’t live in the past and our accomplishments didn’t happen by accident. Progress was made by developing 5-year plans through the congregational process of visioning. We are standing on the shoulders of others.
Those who are here now: We are at a new beginning. During the past couple of years, we have experienced a transition in our staffing. You cannot say good-bye to a Minister, an Assistant Minister, a Religious Education Director and a Choir Director without experiencing some disruptions. The great thing is that we made it through those days together, and in good shape. We have a new Minister, Rev. Dana Worsnop; a new Choir Director, Carolyn Howard; a Membership Manager, Beverly Jordan; and we will be initiating a search for a permanent Religious Education Director. If you are new to the UUCV and wondering how to “fit in” the answer is to find an activity that appeals to you and get involved. Beverly Jordan can help you find your way. The daily life of the church is about the relationships we develop through participation. Every day that you help build the loving community that is the UUCV you create equity for yourself in the future of this congregation and you help change lives. That is why you being here today matters.
Those who are yet to come: One of the Jobs of the Board is to facilitate congregational visioning. We have a future to consider. Plans don’t always work out like we hope and they might not come to fruition as quickly as we would like. We are going to evaluate our progress with the 5-year plan developed in 2013 and see how it fits with our new beginning. At some point down the road, the congregation will begin to make new plans with the understanding that we are building a future for ourselves and for those who will follow. It is a deep responsibility to prepare what we have been given, by those who came before, for passing on to folks we do not know. We sing these words each Sunday; “From you I receive, to you I give. Together we share and from this we live.” That’s the real life of this church, and it’s the reason we make plans.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President