Catching Up

On May 5 a discussion of the proposed UUCV draft budget for 2018-19 took place with 20 members attending. The two-hour presentation was given by David Frank who has for many years kept the process of budgeting understandable for all of us. Questions were answered and more importantly a deeper understanding of our financial condition was obtained. In short, we will have a deficit of about $17,000 for the 2018-19 year that will be covered by excess reserves. This budget values our children, our staff, and the vision for growth that began six years ago with the hiring of an assistant minister. The specific details of our budget will be emailed/mailed to everyone prior to the June 17 Annual Meeting.
Deficits bring challenges. In 2019-20 the deficit may rise upwards of $90,000 largely due to the “Bridge Pledges” and other funding coming to an end. Although significant, this deficit can be resolved with some of our excess reserves, plus money from the “Wake Now our Vision” program, the Assistant Ministers Fund, and your help. A plan is on the table to extend the use of those funds for several years as we continue to grow. When we include over the next several years, anticipated increases in pledging and growth from new members, the deficit can be envisioned as manageable. In September we will hold a Congregational Conversation to discuss more deeply the funding of our vision and mission.
The Pacific Western Regional Assembly took place in Portland, Oregon April 27-29. Approximately 600 people, representing over 150 congregations, attended from all over the western states. Experiencing so many UU’s together in one place was simply fantastic! I strongly recommend attending such gatherings when you can. At this event UUA President Susan Fredrick-Gray spoke on the future of the UUA and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal gave an inspiring Keynote Address. Our own Tanner Linden gave the Homily at the intergenera­tional service and Jim Merrill gaveled out as President of the Pacific Southwest District after many years of service. Here is some food for thought I heard while in Portland:
“Ours is not a casual faith.”
“Strength emerges in times of crisis.”
“There is a Sense of Calling beyond ourselves.”
“What you pay attention to, what you love, grows.”
“This is no time for a casual commitment to our faith.”
“If you want to make a difference in this faith, it will be through your generosity to your congregation.”
“Where we put staff, we thrive.”
Finally, as this church year comes to an end, there are thank yous to be given. We are an amazing congregation. Everyone is doing something to create the church community we all enjoy and cherish. The Board of Trustees offers our sincere appreciation for the level of volunteerism and generosity of time and resources given by everyone. We are blessed with a fantastic staff and guided by our minister, the remarkable and spirited Rev. Dana Worsnop. Thank you everyone for all you have done to make 2017-18 a great year for the UUCV!
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, President

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