Last June we held our Annual Meeting and exercised our 5th Principle concerning democratic process within our congregation. We voted and approved the Slate of Candidates, the 2018-19 Budget, and agreed to move forward with the creating of a permanent RE/Multi-purpose room in Berg Hall. Thank you to everyone who participated in the governance of the beloved community that is the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura!
By all accounts the discussion of the church budget went smoothly. Credit goes to the budget subcommittee of David Smith, David Frank and Rev. Dana Worsnop for giving us a document that supports our children, our staff and our vision for growth. That does not mean that the future is without concern. It was announced at the Annual Meeting that there will be two Congregational Conversations, September 16 and January 27, focusing on our 2019-2020 budget deficit. Those events will be about how to manage our income against expenses incurred in the running of our church. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, resolving the deficit gap is about making choices. Questions such as: “What do we value? What do we want as a community? What can we do?” represent the start of this journey. The information gathered at those meetings will give leadership direction about how to move the UUCV forward. If I have made it seem that our financial situation is dire, that would be the wrong conclusion to reach. Not only do we have time to develop solutions, but we have a history of rising to meet financial challenges. It was not that long ago that we had capital campaigns to put in a new floor in Berg Hall; for funding of the solar panels to reduce energy costs; for the creation of the Outdoor Sanctuary; and of course, for the major efforts that resulted in the buying of our current home and subsequent paying off of the mortgage. We have a history of being bold!
The RE/Multipurpose Room received approval and had a clear request for additional information from the congregation. This is a project that looks easy enough but has some complications. The revised quote came in higher than expected and the contractor did not want any responsibility for “plans and/or permits” that may or may not be needed. The result is that a review of the scope of work is taking place with a visit planned to the Building and Safety department at city hall to discuss the need for a permit. We already have funding of $10,500.00 in place for the room. Getting the project completed will just take a little longer as we work to get it done in a proper and correct manner, aka “getting it right.”
And finally, with a new year and a new Board, comes a reminder for everyone. The Board meets on the third Thursday of every month in the Conference Room at 6:00PM. Like all committee meetings, Board meetings are open to members to attend. There is an opportunity to speak to the Board on any concern you have at the beginning of the meeting. This is just one of the many ways that your voice can be heard at the UUCV.
Living in Paradise,
Bryan Buck, UUCV Board President

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