Our Mission Statement
I began preparing this month’s column well in advance of when it was due
and as I started, another tragic loss of life occurred; this time in Nice,
France. Didn’t we just endure the events in Dallas, in Minneapolis, and in
Orlando? It seems we are constantly inundated by sad and sorrowful events
because when it comes to the media that’s what sells. I am reluctant to raise
these issues in our newsletter. You are going to have to let me know what
you think about that. However, I mention these local and world concerns
because they speak to me about why the Mission Statement of the Unitarian
Universalist Church of Ventura is so important.
“We the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, united
by our liberal religious tradition, seek truths and meaning, and commit to
right action. We will nurture our congregation and carry our principles forth
to better ourselves our community and our planet. To these purposes, we
pledge our hearts and hands, our minds and means.”
Seek truths and meaning: We have a new minister, the Rev. Dana Worsnop,
to help us as a congregation spiritually, and to help us in our individual
struggles to live lives of meaning and purpose as we try to make sense of
this world in which we live.
Commit to right action: We are a beacon of light and of hope to anyone in
need. We are the prophetic voice of liberal religious values. We change lives
for the better and we do, in fact, make a difference in the world.
Nurture our congregation: We have each other for the comfort of community
and non-judgmental love. We build relationship with each other through the
many small group ministries available for you to participate in at the UUCV.
Carry our principles forth: We make the world a better place by sharing our
time, our talent and treasure. We volunteer. We organize. We donate money.
We bear witness. We bring attention to injustice. We shine light on dark
places. We reduce feelings of fear. We build the common good. We make the
effort to “Show Up” and that effort is our faith, your faith, in action.
I do not know why bad stuff happens to people. When it does I am resolved to
not be discouraged. There has to be a counter to injustice. In our community
it is the UUCV. Please take the time to reflect on our Mission Statement. It is
the product of many hours of a collective undertaking by this congregation.
Consider how it inspires and encourages you to live out our values daily and
what you can do to make a difference.
As we all move forward in this year of new relationships please reach out to
those you do not know. Become a welcoming presence not only on Sunday
but every day, and help create a better world.