Did UU Know?
There are two reasons UU Churches have an annual pledge campaign each year. The first is obvious. We need to know what our members will pledge to donate for the next church year so we can have good, current information to construct a useful budget. Second, and not so obvious, we need to connect with each other about why we value our church involvement so much that we agree to make ongoing donations.
For next year our annual pledge campaign will be a one-on-one canvass. Guided by our minister, our stewardship team will talk face-to-face with every member about their reasons for being members and for renewing their pledge for another year. This type of campaign is considered valuable for many reasons and one of the most difficult to implement for one reason. We are all so busy we don’t want to add another meeting to our schedule. We hope you remember this article when another member contacts you in March to set a time to meet. It’s about you and our shared lives. Please say yes or return our call.
Additionally, it will take many volunteers to reach our entire community during this campaign and we need all the help we can get. Contact Maura Raffensperger, stewardship team leader at 616-2466 to discuss how you can help

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