Dear UUCV Community,
Soon after the Thomas fire began and throughout the long week to follow, a phrase I heard often was that UUCV was a second home. We had play dates for the children all day or half days every day for the next week, and many people told me the sounds of laughter and play warmed their hearts. Times like these make us remember what matters most.
According to Holstee, a company whose mission is to bring more meaning and inspiration to people’s lives, an inten­tion is a deeper purpose that could guide our actions. Love is my intention. To me, love means to offer belonging and welcoming to everyone I encounter and to give everyone a sense that they are seen and worthy of kindness.
January is the start of the Coming of Age program, which is a huge undertaking for the religious education program and our congregation as a whole from now until summertime. It’s an effort that touches many in our community, from the youth, their siblings, parents, and grandparents, the facili­tators, mentors, and beyond. We are blessed to have Rev. Dana playing a key role in the program as well. We hope to offer an empowering space to guide and nurture our 12-14 year olds as they evolve into their adolescence. Please keep us in your heart!
I Hope You had a lovely Holiday Season and May You Enjoy the Blessings of Purpose, Inspiration and Meaning in 2018
Emily Carroll, Director of Religious Education

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