A Heartfelt Thanks to the Brinkmeyers for hosting our annual RE Welcome BBQ and Pool party at their clubhouse. It was a wonderful day for all. Thank You’s to the many families who participated in the annual Coastal Beach Cleanup at Silver Strand Beach in Oxnard that same day.
Both activities culminated the Summer study program of the Channel Islands Eco-System. Our Santa Cruz Island trip was a wonderful adventure concluding our study of our Channel Islands. We saw dolphins, enjoyed hiking and were all thrilled to see the Island Fox. Our Ranger Naturalist, Andrea, told me our children had impressed her with their wide knowledge of the natural history of the channel Islands and their integration of the complexity.
A Big Welcome to all families and students, and teachers to our journey together this year! We are like a three-legged stool – all three legs are needed to hold the stool steady. If any leg is missing the stool cannot stand or be steady. Consider parents are one leg, your children the second and teachers are the third leg – a team working together to nurture your children’s spiritual growth and development.
You can check out “The Mindful Child, How to Help your kid Manage Stress and Become Happier, Kinder, and More Compassionate,” by Susan Kaiser Greenland from RE office. Greenland teaches how to be more effective with children, keep curiosity alive, and how mindfulness can be taught to even young children.
October Schedule
Regular Classes meet on October 2, 9, 16 and 23.
October 30 All classes meet in Berg Hall for a Pumpkin Caroling parade to the Lexington in Halloween costumes to give cards to residents
Pre K – 1st: The first part of the year will focus on treasuring our own and other’s thoughts and feelings. During the second half of the year the focus will turn outward to explore the treasures of our church, our UU faith, our world community, and the interconnected web of life. Central will be both a class and a personal treasure chest which will be taken home. Every Sunday the children will make or find a treasure symbolic of the day’s theme.
2nd – 5th: We’ll explore and discuss the stories of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles through an exciting curriculum Bibleodeon. We’ll act out some stories, listen to others and talk about a mystery question every week. We’ll make things and listen to music and look at art.
6th – 8th: This class will expand their understanding and experience of other churches, temples and places of worship. They will choose to visit 6 places of worship and learn the fundamental unity underlying all religions as well as the differences. They will also learn about their own spiritual development, the various stages of religious belief, faith and non-faith or agnosticism. They will practice service to others with visits to convalescent hospitals, taking cards to shut-ins, helping with our annual Homeless Memorial in December and Caroling in a nearby Retirement Home.
Youth Group – Our youth will participate in District meetings, area conferences and our regional Camp DeBenneville to develop their leadership skills, expand their understanding, knowledge and appreciation of our religion and appreciate the strength Unitarianism/ Universalism gives in their lives. Tanner Linden-Akseven is the Youth Coordinator for our church. With the help of our youth advisors, this group will continue the development of their living skills and spiritual growth. They are tentatively scheduled to host a District Youth Con (gathering) at our church in June, 2017.
Mark Your Calendar
Teachers Meetings October 9 • November 13 •
Our teaching team meets to collaborate as we support individual growth and our work as a team.
Youth Choir Starts October 16
All youth through middle school are welcome. We meet on Sundays after RE from 11:25-11:50am. The choir will sing on Nov 20 with the adult choir and on Christmas Eve. Contact: Carolyn Howard – Carolynhowardvoice@ gmail.com.
OWL Classes
Led by Vel Akseven, Coordinator, for 3rd and 4th Grade and Sr. High School. Starting date the Fall TBA.

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