We Are Building a New Way is our theme for our stewardship campaign for 2018-2019 is based on the hymn from Singing the Journey.

We are entering a critical time in the financial life of the church. By several measures, UUCV is the most financially stable church I have ever been a part of. Experts recommend that churches carry operating reserves of two months of expenses. UUCV is the first church I’ve ever seen that actually has that (and a little bit more). In addition we have even more in other reserve funds, most of it in the Legacy Fund. There is a rub, of course. Most of that money – particularly the Legacy Fund – is not intended for operating expenses.

For several years now this church has been living boldly, “staffing for growth.” Which means we have staffing levels to serve a larger church in order keep our doors open to all who seek a new way. We have been able to do this – while also calling a new minister – in large part due to generous members who contributed to a 3-year bridge fund which comes to something over $40,000 a year. We’re halfway through the bridge. We have one more fiscal year – 2018-2019 – before those funds go away.

And now the growth we have been staffing for is actually happening – and then some. The number of children and youth in our RE program has more than doubled. Our adult membership is growing between 15 and 20 percent. Wow. Just wow. The vision created over the last 5-10 years is coming to fruition.

A new life and energy is nearly palpable throughout the church, and the good news is that it is manifesting in a growth in giving – of every kind. We’re on our way to being able to “cover” the bridge pledges.

Our new challenge is that this growth may already be outstripping our staffing capacities. Don’t you wish life would just happening in a straight predictable line?
All this makes the next two years critical.

We have a fabulous staff who want to do even more to help UUCV come alive. We have a chance to grow in depth, in vision, in transforming lives and in transforming the community we serve.

As it should be, our reach still exceeds our grasp.

Our financial resources are one of many ways we are generous. This is an abundant community. We have so much to share. Now is the time, if you are able, to increase your annual pledge.

There is so much more that we can bring into the world. So many new things to build in our hearts and beyond.

With love and gratitude,
Rev. Dana

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