Back when the Unitarians and Universalists merged in 1961, they considered briefly a wholly new name: the Liberal Church of America. Both denominations considered themselves religious liberals so the name made some sense.

Here are a few definitions of the word liberal (which have nothing to do with politics!): Marked by generosity, bounteousness, open-handedness, not stinting. Abundant, ample. Broad-minded, open-minded, not bound by authoritarianism or orthodoxy.

We value such qualities not just in our religious lives, but in the manner we try to move with our families, at work, in our community and, yes, in church. In these days, when il-liberal forces are working hard to make us afraid of one another, we need to live into our liberality as a great and conscious choice.

Being generous, abundant, ample, open-minded and open-handed becomes a spiritual practice. Fear makes us want to turn inward and tighten our hands around what we have – to protect and even hoard. In such times being open-handedly generous is practically countercultural.

I invite you to practice generosity in your lives and here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura. It never ceases to amaze me that you create this liberal, abundant, bounteous, broad-minded and heartful church community by the sheer generosity of your spirits. You give to the church and you extend your liberal hands and hearts to the community.

On Sunday April 9, you will be invited to practice generosity by making your pledge to ensure the continued existence of your liberal religious voice in Ventura County. The church is moving into the future with confidence and commitment – to our families and children as we hire a new Director of Religious Education; to the glowing and growing spirit in each of its members and friends as we continue to gather in a community of broad minds and open hearts; to those in need in the wider community. Our liberal religious voice will be called upon to speak for the homeless, the immigrant, the refugee, the LGBTQ community.

Answer your invitation to Celebration Sunday with a resounding Yes!

Exercise your liberal, bounteous and generous hearts. Be the Liberal Church of Ventura.

With Abundant Love, Rev. Dana


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