During this time of transition in having Rev Dana as our settled minister, the committee has been meeting, and especially recently, revising and streamlining the instructions for Welcome Table Attendants on Sunday. Greeters’ instructions are also being amended and enhanced. Both of these volunteer teams are so very vital to our church’s Sunday Worship experience I wish to thank them again right now for their continued interest and devoted service!
The next big events on our calendar are the Pathway to Membership Orientation workshops starting this month. A complete schedule and detailed description may be found elsewhere in this Newsletter from Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager. Please look that over and when you see a newcomer in our midst, I invite you to extend an invitation to them to participate in these workshops, especially if they show an interest in learning more about Unitarian Universalism, our church, our congregation and minister. (Sign up sheets are located in Berg Hall near the Visitors Information Table).
In the meantime, please remember to wear your name tag (Rev Dana is eager to meet you) and speak to someone you don’t know and if you won a “Co-Exist” bumper magnet at the annual Service Auction, please display it!
by Gudrun Eastham