by Gudrun Eastham
Pathway to Membership Workshop #2 was held on Saturday, April 8 from 10-2 in Berg Hall. A dozen newcomers to our church were treated to an inspiring interactive experience. Rev Dana, Beverly Jordan, Membership Manager, and Board President, Bryan Buck presented discussion topics that included the meaning of being in Covenant, a brief UUCV history, the benefits and expectations of membership, the theology of Giving and Funding the Mission.
After a vibrant conversation over a buffet lunch, attendees were invited to participate in a special exercise entitled “Embracing the Spectrum” where five questions were presented and attendees were asked to place themselves on an invisible horizontal line. One question was, “what styles of Worship do you like?” and another, “What are some goals you have for yourself in this congregation?” Everyone learned something about themselves and others! Membership Committee was honored to participate in this day.
Upcoming: a mini celebration, May 3, for those signing the Membership Book and returning pledge cards and New Member Recognition, May 7, during the Worship Service.
In the meantime, I invite you to seek out visitors at Sunday Services, introduce yourselves and while I’m on the subject, if there is someone you haven’t seen at church in a while, please call and invite them to return or offer them a ride.