“Give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.” Roy T. Bennett
Members and pledging friends voted in October to determine which organizations will receive our Sunday offerings during the months of November through February. Results of the vote and a schedule of Sunday offering dates are posted in Berg Hall on the We Care/We Share bulletin board.
Dinners for the hungry, mental health, outreach to homeless in our parks, and housing homeless families were causes the congregation generously supported in late September and early October.
We collected $533 for Bread of Life, “Feeding Oxnard’s Hungry,” the program that provides 80-100 hot, three-course dinners to anyone who comes through the door each Sunday evening all year at this Oxnard site.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) Ventura County received $723 to help continue to offer without cost their classes and presentations throughout the county. NAMI provides emotional support, education and resources for families affected by mental illness, and advocates at the local, state and national levels for a maximization of services for persons who are afflicted.
Donations to Lift Up Your Voice: Park Outreach Team amounted to $608 which allows the volunteer team to continue to provide outreach to the homeless community in Ventura’s parks.
Family Promise of West Ventura County received $677. This nonprofit houses newly homeless families with children at a different host congregation each week. During the day the families stay at a centrally located day center where they receive social services and work on issues to help them gain stability. The funds will buy bedding and beds to use at the houses of worship and will travel with the families to each host congregation.

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