August Recipients

August 5: Ventura Homeless Prevention proceeds go directly to residents of the homes and apartment buildings destroyed by the fire and flood. All funds are dedicated to supporting long-term recovery and re-building efforts for low-income families affected by the fire and flood
August 12: Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Ventura County. Our Mission is to provide all children facing adversity with professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Funding would allow us to continue to expand our mentoring program and ensure its continued success in helping children who face adversity.
August 19: Citizens for Responsible Oil and Gas. Our mission is to defend communities and wild places from the adverse impacts of oil and gas activi­ties. Funding will build our organization’s capacity to educate the public and decision makers about risks to air quality, water and soil
August 26: UUCV Inreach/Outreach to help those in our own congregation or someone in the wider community who is in need of assistance.

Reccent Inreach/Outreach Recipients

Your generosity toward those who ask for our help continues to be amazing.
June 24: LUYV Park Outreach Team – $818.41
July 1: City Center Tansitional Living – $660.25
July 8: Innocence Project – $713.24
July 15: LUYV Park Outreach Team– $725.08
Thanks so much for all your generous donations!
For more information about suggesting organizations for UUCV to support click here

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