Q: Why do I need to go to a Focus Group?
A: Focus Groups are a great place for the exchange of ideas, and to hear how others view the church and will measure ministerial success.
Q: I’m not a member. Can I attend a Focus Group?
A: Yes. If you attend on Sundays, serve on a committee, join us for events, etc.
Q: I’m a teenager. Can I participate?
A: Absolutely. That would be so awesome! What you think and what you say is important.
Q: How will I know which Focus Group to go to?
A: Sign up sheets for the Focus Groups are at the Search Committee bulletin board near Spiritual Growth and Adult Programs in Berg Hall.
Q: Will I need to both participate in a Focus Group and respond to the Survey?
A: Since the Focus Groups and the Survey cover different topics, it will be most informative and helpful if you do both.
Q: What happens with the information?
A: It’ll be included in the Congregational Packet pre-candidates receive. We will use your comments and responses as we proceed in the Search process.