• We expect to spend $496,607 for the operation and activities of our church this year, but that is an estimate, not a fact. We spent $450,881 during the year ending June 30, 2018, and that is a fact supported by our year-end profit and loss statement. Churches do not seek to make a profit. We strive to fulfill our mission.
  • Our activities and programs are made possible by our min­ister, employees, lay leaders and volunteers.
  • Our employment costs are expected to be 71% of our pro­jected expenses this year.
  • Automatic monthly payments can also be set up for you using a church vendor, and you pay no charges for this feature and it is easy to set up and manage changes.

You can make one time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at www.uuventura.org, by clicking on “Give” on the right side of the masthead area, then, click on the picture of the mouse and follow the instructions; or by contacting David Smith at 805/216-9331 or davidpaseo@verizon.net.

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