• Our Celebration Sunday service, April 26 completed this year’s annual pledge campaign.The celebration was for your generosity with your time and money for our congregational lives. This is the first year in many that we had a Stewardship Team, led by Maura Raffensperger with much help from Reverend Dana Worsnop, Kappy Paulson, Yukio Okano, and the Kitchen crew and other helpers. It was a great party!
• The financial results of your participation generated a net increase in annual pledges of 4.8%, or nearly $15,510 in increased annual pledges as of May 1, 2017 compared with annual pledges on record as of February 28, 2017.
• If needed, you can change your future pledge amount at any time by notifying Becky Burnham, UUCV Office Manager, at 805/644-3898, ext.100, or office@uuventura.org.
• You can make one-time donations or set up automatic pledge payments at www.uuventura.org. Click “Give” at the top right of the home page, then follow the instructions for single or scheduled payments, or contact David Smith at 805/216-9331 or davidpaseo@verizon.net.