From now until February 28, I will be helping our RE Committee, volunteer teaching teams, Child Care staff and Rev Dana plan for my leave-taking. I have taken on the many responsibili­ties of DRE since April 1, 2016. It has been a rapid learning curve, giving me amazing insight into the caring and work so many volunteers and staff do for the inspiration and moral foundation our religion offers for our children and youth. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our church and all of you through our RE program.
Thanks to the Religious Education Committee, Erica Duffy, Rena Pez­zuto, Vel Akseven, Mina Nichols, Douglas Tate and Gina Norstedt, for their help and support.
Also to Becky Burnham who keeps our boat from going adrift so many times, to Rev Dana who brings a knowledgeable and steady hand to the tiller, and to those who work in the “trenches” in rain and sun, our teaching team who carry our message of love to our children with courage and passion. It has been a wonder­ful 10 months, you are in my heart always. Thank you.

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