Inreach/Outreach Program – A process for giving away our offering from each Sunday service.
Current Status – Active
Description – Once in each four month period,members and pledging friends or representatives of charitable organizations submit nominations for organizations to receive our offerings and then the congregation votes. The organizations that received the most votes get two or three offerings; others get one or none, depending on the vote outcome. A story telling what the organization does and how the money helps is shared at the time the offering is taken up during the service.
Participation – Organizations, members and pledging friends may submit key information about the organizations they would like to see on our ballot, but only members and pledging friends may vote. When church met in person, approximately 100 members and pledging friends voted. Since we have been on zoom, even with reminders, we have attended to get somewhere around 70 votes.
Meeting Location – The Inreach/Outreach committee has been meeting via email or Zoom to interpret the meaning of the congregations vote. When we met in person, voting was conducted in for a call. Since we have been doing virtual and hybrid church, voting has been via email.
Duration of the Program – The program has been in existence for 10 years. Voting happens once every four months.
Days and Times – Meetings have been virtual and scheduled at the convenience of committee member.
Program Leader – Sue Brinkmeyer
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